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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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those who live by, grew up by, or have family who did by a border, did you end up speaking the language of the other country?
  • adding to this very good answer: especially in Europe legal, cultural and language borders can differ quite a bit due to history and geography. I'm from South Tyrol, an italian province at the Austrian border. The majority of people there speak a german dialect, we have german schools, public administration and everything, but are a language minority in Italy. The historic explanation is that after WW1 this region became part of Italy, taken fron Austria-Hungary.

    Further there is a third official language in South Tyrol, basically only spoken in two valleys anymore, the "Ladin". It's a very old language, related to similar language island in adjacent italian provinces and Switzerland. Those languages basically just preserved themselves for geographic reasons (hard accessible valleys and mountains). for this reason those languages tend to differ already between to neighbouring valleys. I was tought, that most of South Tyrol spoke Ladin at some point, but after the Swiss turned Calvinistic, the catholic (and austrian) bishop of the region forced the south-tyroleans to speak german to distance them from the heretic Swiss.^^

    During WW2 the fascists in Italy forced South Tyrol to speak italian and forbade everything german, including local, personal and family names; one reson certainly was to enforce this ideology of "one nation, one culture, one people".

    Returning to OPs question: In South Tyrol there are german schools, where you learn italian and english as mandatory second languages, analogously for italian schools. Both languages are valid for any official entity (in theory). In the valleys mentiined above, they also have ladin schools.

  • ich🔒iel
  • genau dieses ist mir letzte Woche passiert, ich dachte das ist inzwischen eine Sache der dunklen Vergangenheit, aber ja... PSA wenn ihr mal ein Führungszeugnis online beantragt auf kein Passwort länger als 16-20 Zeichen eingeben.

    Warum sie nicht eine zentrales Benutzerkonto einbinden wie, sagen wir mal, die Bund ID, z.B., oder die eID als Login, weil man sie ja eh schon braucht dafür, keine Ahnung. IT des Bundes oder so...

  • There seems to be a difference
  • The reason for the dark storied in the original fairy tales is to teach a lesson, to stand as a warning for children intimidated by them. There is so much educational content in them which Disney cut out, stripping the tales from their original purpose. That's (one of the reasons) why I hate Disney.

  • grulephic design
  • Don't you have a student council in America you can complain to about such stuff? From my experience studying in Germany (and even more so in Austria) the student council (oder student union) has very good connections to the administrative and scientific staff to pass feedback along and also get invited to (mandatory for the Uni) semesterly quality-assessment-circles to assess the "studibility" of the program, which also includes evaluating such processes.