The reason for the dark storied in the original fairy tales is to teach a lesson, to stand as a warning for children intimidated by them. There is so much educational content in them which Disney cut out, stripping the tales from their original purpose. That's (one of the reasons) why I hate Disney.
That but it was also just a depiction closer to reality: for instance famine and starvation were a common theme in Grimm's collection of tales (Hänsel & Gretel, the star money, etc). But in the modern world [industrialized west] we know longer have a direct cultural experience of it.
Similarly gone down have:
corporal punishment, mutilation (the girl without hands, Cinderella)
indentured servitude, slavery (Rumpelstilzchen)
cannibalism (Hänsel & Gretel); note that this in the context of a famine
Started Grimm's tales today. First story: A lady in waiting screws the princess out of her husband and takes her place. Once the king figures it out he asks the fraud how she would punish a person who did such a thing.
"Throw her in a box with a buncha nails pointing inwards and drag her happy ass behind two white horses until she's fucking dead."
(I'm paraphrasing.)
King: 10-4. I know you're the fraud. Have fun with your recommended sentence.