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blargbluuk blargbluuk
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Telegram Shuts Down Z-Library Download Bot and Backup Communication Channel.
  • I actually don't know, I only received a SimpleX link from the provider when I had to request help for something.

  • Telegram Shuts Down Z-Library Download Bot and Backup Communication Channel.
  • I've noticed some "providers" I use have switched to other communication methods (simplex for example).

  • Sovcit really, really paid off their car, honest to God.
  • Yeah this is likely, it's written very strangely with unusual grammar and phrasing (why does the first paragraph have an ellipses).

  • Emudeck/Ryujinx Animal Crossing performance
  • Switch version also has proper battle tracks, can carry two items at once, 3rd level boost and probably some other relatively small but maybe important changes to some.

  • Zelda:OOT Randomizer
  • What settings did you use? I tried the Wind Waker HD randomizer once and realized very quickly I am not skilled enough to enjoy it with the settings I used.

  • Camera owner asks Canon, skies: Why is it $5/month for webcam software?
  • You're kinda explaining Canon's logic here though - they want you to pay for "convenience".

  • A couple happily building an Ikea cabinet together
  • My experience with AI related content on Lemmy is that most downvotes come from people that aren't even part of the community, just looking at local or all and downvoting because they don't like AI.

    Anyway, I enjoyed this and it made me laugh, thanks.

  • Nintendo and The Pokémon Company seek injunction against Palworld plus fine and damages, developer says
  • How do these not apply to the majority of games, these sound so insanely broad. Patents are so stupid.

  • Microsoft just paused Windows 11 24H2 update for many PCs due to crashes and freezes
  • Between shit like this, Crowdstrike, and Microsoft Recall I wonder why anyone even bothers with Windows anymore

    Out of necessity most likely, sometimes you either have no alternatives for proprietary software on Linux, or it's extremely cumbersome to get and maintain such software on Linux.

  • Young girls are using anti-aging products they see on social media. The harm is more than skin deep
  • Who ever her Guardians are should have warned her or not provided these products.

    Maybe they did warn her, or didn't directly provide the products, kids are a bit more complicated most of the time.

  • bulk / spam postings across the site

    Just curious if anyone else has noticed (I'm sure some have) posts that some accounts make across an enormous number of subreddits lately.

    I stopped using Reddit for most of things when I joined Lemmy but my partner posts NSFW stuff there still since the community for that in Lemmy is still quite small, and occasionally we see accounts making thousands or more posts across an ungodly number of nsfw subreddits. It's almost always promotional spam (OF, etc) and more often than not it's blindly posted and either doesn't follow the rules of the subreddit or is outright inappropriate for it (e.g. posting to specific kink subreddits while the post has literally nothing to do with that kink). Some of these accounts even seem to automatically reply to some comments with what appears to be chat-gpt type comments and usually it's super obvious it's a bot.

    In my mind I figure this is just some shady service paying for reddit's API access and charging these clueless "creators" to promote their stuff across the entire site. How effective that actually is in generating leads for their OF, etc I would be very interested to know but it's probably minimal, maybe not, I dunno.

    Anyway, I did a very brief search online for services offering this sort of thing but didn't come across anything. Just curious if anyone knows about it or how people are getting onto these braindead posting services. Not looking for links or anything just thought it was interesting (if not frustrating spam) for a discussion.

    Some YouTube channels for children are uploading obscene videos.
  • Meanwhile I can't even upload commercials for archival purposes without getting copyright strikes on my account. How is YouTube so bad at this.

  • North Koreans Celebrate Kim Jong Un Winning Every Olympic Gold Medal
  • I think you need to link to the direct gif itself, the link you have is actually to an mp4 though so I don't think that will work but otherwise it should be in this format: ![alt text here](image or gif link here)

  • It seems that Reddit has been prioritizing controversial posts to increase engagement
  • Would be nice, I realized recently that a lot of people here will still act that way and downvote your stuff as a disagree/don't like button

  • Still saying sweet things to each other after all these years...
  • Dildo is in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. We have provinces here, that's kind of like saying you're visiting Phoenix, USA.

  • A hit like Coca-Cola: The cannabis industry generates $40 billion
  • I've tried one of them, imo it tasted pretty bad. Was just carbonated water with a weed taste, probably exactly what you'd imagine

  • subtitles on max

    Hey, just curious if anyone's had any experience saving the subtitles from recently? I can only find old info about it being an xml file when it was HBO Max and that no longer seems to apply.

    I've tried a couple random utilities (Subtitle-Downloader, ttml2ssa) and can't seem to make any progress. If you can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it!

    edit: Like with most things I seem to do, as soon as I post about it I actually start digging into it more and figure it out. So anyway, here's how I figured it out:

    I used The Stream Detector extension in firefox, start the stream up on with subtitles enabled, then monitor the extension until it shows a vtt file. Then I download the vtt file using the extension and can convert it to srt using ttml2ssa and use it normally.

    edit 2: alas I discovered that downloading them this way will only download up to a certain time in the video. I haven't explored further but I imagine I'd have to go either play or seek through the video to get it to trigger the next vtt file which I could download (I haven't confirmed as of yet). May update again if I figure out a better process for this

    (final hopefully) edit 3: doesn't seem to be an easy way to automate this but what I ended up doing is using the stream detector extension in firefox, configured to automatically download vtt file extensions from streams, then just open the video on max, scrub through roughly every 9-11 minutes to get the each piece of the vtt file, they're named sequentially at least. Sometimes it will grab duplicates so I just wrote a quick powershell script to delete the duplicates, and rename the files based on the episode name. Then I convert the vtt to srt, and finally I use Subtitle Edit to join the srt files into a single one since the time stamps are all correct. Then I've finally got a usable full subtitle file to use.. yay..


    How do I share stuff nowadays?

    If this is the wrong place to post please direct me elsewhere of course.

    I've been less active in torrents etc for a the last couple years so I think I'm probably out of the loop on this tbh.

    I have a couple of TV series/versions of series I'd like to share occasionally but it seems so few of the public torrent sites accept submissions (or require you to be a big name or upload a certain quota per month etc), I'm not sure where to post the torrents. In the past I had anonymously uploaded at TPB but that doesn't seem to be a thing anymore.

    Any advice/suggestions?
