Not sure this is on-topic enough and maybe a bit niche, but does anyone here have experience running Animal Crossing via Ryujinx on the Steamdeck?
Just tested it and it really seems to bring the Steamdeck to its limits. Fan is running a lot, I had a crash or two as well. Kinda worried about frying my Steamdeck with this.
I checked online for performance tweaks but they mostly say that Yuzu works a bit better with the right tweaks, Ryujinx is already setup the best way but has worse performance.
Nothing that can be done or does anyone have some experience here?
AC runs poorly even on switch. As soon as your island gets some decorations or becomes complex, you'll see tons of dips in performance and how the console struggles hard to run it. Not surprised the deck struggles too, the game itself is poorly optimized
Don't quote me on this but I think the problem is the game tries to load EVERYTHING on the map, even if it's not visible. So if your island has decorations and trees in a decent amount, frame rate will suffer a lot, and load times will increase absurdly.
I'm running it on a first gen Deck with absolutely no issues, and a steady framerate. Be sure to switch your graphics backend from Vulkan to OpenGL, that should fix the crashing.
The game doesn't take a lot out of the Deck, so I actually have the GPU downclocked to 800Mhz, and the refresh rate locked to 30FPS, since that's what AC runs at. I keep the CPU at normal clock because it makes the game load faster, but you can also downclock that if you don't mind the load times.
-Just tested it and it really seems to bring the Steamdeck to its limits. Fan is running a lot, I had a crash or two as well. Kinda worried about frying my Steamdeck with this.
Not too be overbearing intentionally but that's fine on the deck. I run project zomboid on my LCD and it usually does have some expected hiccups.
as for the performance in general, I've heard nintendo switch is really hit or miss on steamdeck. sometimes it runs well, other times it doesn't depending on the game.
You need to switch the graphics backend from Vulkan to OpenGL. I'm running it really well, get the max FPS steady, and my Deck doesn't even get hot. To top it off, I have the GPU downclocked to half speed. I could downclock the CPU too, but I keep it unbound so the load times stay quick. It's the best performing Switch game I've played to date, stressing the Deck maybe half of what it's capable of.
Btw, Mario Kart 8 runs way better using Cemu (so the Wii U version). Aside from the new DLC tracks (the ones from the mobile game, they're pretty shit anyway), it's the same game with the same content if you download the DLCs for the Wii U version.
My point was those projects are still relevant this long after becoming defunct. That is kind of sad that there aren’t new projects that have arisen from the ashes, at least not ones that are talked about more than the corpses.
Nintendo threatened and or bribed them in to shutting down, no one was ever sued and others took on updates. Nintendo recently acknowledged that emulation isn't illegal
I never tried it on my Steam Deck but I did try it out on my PC and it ran miserably there, even though my laptop is a pretty powerful Gaming laptop. I couldn't imagine actually playing the game to completion that way. I also encountered lots and lots of bugs in the game, in addition to poor performance.
I have an AMD R5 8600g with the internal m760 IGPU, and with Citron I've been able to play "Super Mario wonder" pretty smoothly (no stutter) even without shader cache. Set emulation to medium+ handheld+ (the sitting that makes compiling shader cache in it's own thread).