Posts 0
Comments 7
Lord of the rings is shit 1 0
I can’t see you liking that if you didn’t like LOTR. At this point I’d quit while you’re ahead 😂
Lord of the rings is shit 1 1
Damn what kind of posts do you consider “high quality” then? I’m actually curious bc this post feels pretty on-par to me.
Benefits of smoking cigarettes? 5 0
Lol, based on your post and comments it sounds like you should keep smoking. Hopefully then your gf will wise up and leave.
Stephen King wrote a whole ass book about this. 47 0
Is the trap that Ohio sucks to live in or anything more specific?
Met 'stop incels & 39 terrorist plots' to attack Pride in London, MPs and more 35 1
I’ve read and re-read this title and it still doesn’t make sense.