I was sat down reading this and still ended up on the floor in pure shock.

I'll keep you company, I laughed

Fucken can't wait to hear it tell me how it's gonna bang my mum in 31 different ways and that I'm shit at video games.

tongue click Nice.

Imagine having more chin than fucking brains. Absolute degenerate cunt.

Genuinely. I've been conditioned at this point now to just consider the bottom line before reading further into any article about the environment and the animals we share earth with. In fact no, it's not even exclusive to that.. Just anything really. If it's gonna effect someone's bottom line (that isn't the usual public) you can guarantee it won't happen.

I hope that day never comes.

Lemon party was a bunch of old naked dudes sat in a group i think.. Mightve been involving themselves with each other? It's been a fucking loooong ass time since I got shown that and meatspin at school lol

I'm so confused. As a northerner from England with an IQ equal to the ply of toilet paper I use, does every object in French have a feminine or masculine alignment? Or is this some kind of joke privvy to those who don't have a concerning interest in sheep?

You little bastard get down off that scaffold and give me the shooter, fucking going bed without supper. No, I don't want to hear it - you're not playing out with them again.

Cold, soggy and doused in salt?

Yes - to the extent I no longer have Sunday roast dinner. Every time I'd just crave a cheeky smoke after a big ol satisfying meal. It's been several years and I know I'd end up coughing up a lung and it'd taste like shit but that fleeting thought doesn't care about that.. It's just the enshrined idea of a 'nice' smoke after a roast.


Putler insisted they could see all of the evidence if they just took a look out of a window Putler directed them to. /s (maybe not /s)

I enjoyed that tbh. It's not often I find myself intrigued enough to watch a lengthy video, I think it's the sprinkle of funny shit.

That's 1 step too fucken far mate, gone n took the piss haven't you

And I want Ubisoft to get comfortable with these torrents and my ridiculously slow download speed but life's a shit house!

Rumour has it they found tunnels inside them.
Do we have anything to be concerned with from the Lemmy compromise?
I'm still not entirely sure how all this magic works but would I be correct to assume it's only thread data that's transfered across the fediverse? And because Kbin is Kbin, it shouldn't have the exploit the Lemmy software has right?
Appologies if this seems stupid - it's a genuine question