Fireworks and tear gas flew through the air after masked pro-Israeli assailants tore down barricades.
Violence erupted at the University of California, Los Angeles after pro-Israeli counter-demonstrators attacked a pro-Palestinian campus encampment. Bubbling tensions on the campus boiled over following the alleged breach of a "buffer zone" between the rival groups.
"Law enforcement simply stood at the edge of the lawn and refused to budge as we screamed for their help," UC Divest at LA, a group involved in the encampment, said in a statement.
I guess since the police have shown they are not willing to protect the people, the people must take the responsibility of their safety and security upon themselves.
But we mustn't have evil guns!! The police will protect us, I'm certain of it!
Liberals will never, ever prevail against the fascists unless they pull their collective head out of their collective ass. News flash kids: The fascists are perfectly willing to use violence. And they know you are not.
News Flash: it’s possible to want sensible gun control laws AND meaningful police reform. Most of us are capable of holding more the one thought in our head, capable of setting more than one goal, and that doesn’t make us idiots or hypocrites. Validating their violence with more violence would make us hypocrites (and idiots) and is not the only means of achieving our goals.
Edit: are you seriously suggesting that the protesters should be armed?! or is this just an attempt to muddy the waters by bringing up a conversation about gun control?
This is an uninstructive conversation. We do not need this sort of shit stirring about this topic because it is important.
Do not show up to a protest with a gun either alone or unannounced. Thats just Rittenhouse behaviour. Be a part of a militia or with some group, and contact the event organizers before arriving. They'll probably tell your group to wait in a near by location and to be called when needed.
Also getting beat up is the point of these protests. Columbia unreasonably responded with violence against their own students and faculty. It was a total blunder that they made habitually. Making them fascists drop their masks for everyone to see is the goal here.
Michael Reinoehl killed a fash, then the police executed him in a suburban neighborhood. There's no scenario where a leftwing person kills a fascist in self defense and their police buddies say it was a good shooting.
Jewish Federation Los Angeles meanwhile blamed the university's chancellor for allowing "an environment to be created over many months that has made students feel unsafe".
The group demanded that the encampment be cleared and that UCLA meet leaders of the Jewish community.
Fucking hell, this is such a callous response. In any other situation, the group representing the side that just had masked vigilantes attack peaceful demonstrators would make amends. "These people don't represent our movement. We disavow them and what they stand for." And so on.
I see they're taking a page from Israel's book: refuse to apologize, defend unprovoked violence, and blame the victims on top of everything else.
Your school's protests against violence is making the school unsafe and therefore it's the schools fault for the violence that falls upon it.
That's basically what they said.
All these police attacks on Pro-Palestine rallies are just bringing more attention that would have faded away.
And the unprovoked violent attacks will cause more people to start to question the Israel war and the US support of it. People will start to wonder why supporting normal Palestine people is an idea to attack peaceful rallies and to take away the right to protest.
You wont hear mainstream media question why the police retracted a short moment before pro-Israeli thugs stormed in the encampment and attack the peaceful protesters, they came back in to only arrest the pro-palestine protesters. the establishment has payed to end the protests and establishment media are only parading the side of the story the have been paid for to.
These idiots couldn't answer a single fucking question about Israel or Palestine but the people protesting are "libs" and the brainwashing of "my tribe vs their tribe" appears to be as effective as ever
Isn’t it interesting how Israel and pro-Israel people apply the exact same tactic?! Let’s attack innocent people. Whether it’s bombing innocent civilians or violently attacking peaceful protestors. It’s so telling. They are rotten to their core.
You can have violence from the police, or you can have counter-protest violence. The police have proven time and again they will stand back and do nothing while the people protesting for any liberal idea (sad that the left seems to be the only one interested in things like peace, equality, and justice) get beaten by the right.
True, but being anti genocide, anti colonialism, and anti war often are. Just so happens that these ideas and Palestinian statehood are simpatico at the moment.
I think this is a good example of how vigilantes often work to support the state's goals when it can't legally/easily complete their goals.
For every fascistic government still bound by laws, there will be fascists willing to ignore them to support it. See this. See the KKK carrying out lynchings on people who are barely escaping the grasp of the state. See the settlers illegally settling on Palestinian land to carry out the state's goals of ethnic cleansing.
Hate is a strong motivator but it uses up too much fuel and burns itself out. To see it only as hate is a bit reductionist. You can only use hate to motivate yourself for so long.
Fear, envy, and uncertainty/fear of the future are much more longstanding motivators used to continue fascist creep.
Regardless, fascists align themselves with the state. The police often can’t get away with crushing protesters without suffering bad PR, and risking strengthening popular support when images of police brutality evoke memories of past brutalities.
Fascist vigilantes don’t care about PR, and they might get the support of the police (or they get the police’s non-support of their enemies) or even the government
Vigilante porn is too useful as propaganda. Americans, especially, love the imagery of a tough person who steps up and does "the right thing," where traditional tools of enforcement are weakened by corruption, incompetence, or policy. Doesn't matter if it's Dirty Harry, Batman, or some Christian Nationalist with a sharpened flagpole.
"Fireworks and tear gas flew through the night sky as masked counter-protesters attempted to tear down barricades, and struck campers with sticks and bats."
Angry and lashing out. This time the Israeli genocide was called out and the world was made more aware. And the usual cover given challenged thanks to these protests. The dehumanization of Palestinian people by supporters of Israel's genocide is frightening.
Which is exactly why those people are being used by more powerful figures. It's hard to change the hearts and minds of the people, it's easy to make them fight themselves.
It is indeed an effective strategy to distract the masses unfortunately. There is a real growth opportunity here for humanity if we are able to see it as clearly the established pattern is not serving society.
How is it that on this one topic, all rational discourse is completely absent? I mean there's some topics where one side is completely irrational, sure. But when it comes to Israel-Palestine, everyone on all sides is just completely and often violently nonsensical.
Ok wow. First, thanks to everyone who have their estimates. Appreciated. And for everyone else and the warriors of downvoting: No I was not trolling abd not it's not THAT unilkely for it to be lefties (yes okay anarchists and tankies I mostly said as exmples so you know what I'm trying to ask)
If you are interested: there is a german lefty flavor called Antideutsche (anti-german). They are Zionists, antifas, anticapitalist, have a thing for violence (stylizing "bomber harris" for example), say weird thing like "protecting ur environment is like protecting your 'home country' like nazis would" and sometimes think of whoever basically as if they were nazis.
I'm not making this up, lefties go weird ways sometimes.
MAGAs. because american conservatives are often also american evangelists, and they've got some weird ideas about israel. those conservatives who don't necessarily personally believe weird stuff about israel (ie the jews having a homeland means the second coming of jesus and everything will be great for evangelical christians) are being brought along by the right-wing propaganda on this issue.
For every large group there's probably only only 2-8 that are genuinely knowledgeable and authentic about the beliefs being fought for. Regardless of sides.