This is bulshit, i dont decide will i use a browser depending on who works on it, but depending on the browser itself.
So insted of looking at browser itself this dude sugests we should look at people that work on it and asume the browser is bad if someone working on it is bad which is blindfolded deciding and its nonsense.
So if you have malicios intent and dont have to say anything bad about the browser itself concretly and tehnical because if you lie there, many people that know how it is will say no it doesnt work that way here how it is than you just trash people that are working on it whic is wery hard to veryfi is it trye or not. And probably it isnt..
So when we discus open source software there is no need to talk about writers of the code much because we can discus the code itself and tell concretly if something is bad. Exactly which line and why its bad.
Anything else is just made up and malicios.
Yea i know that but its good news nonthelast.
Is it trye that iphone xs will get ios 19? 🤔
If thats the case it will be great. I have it with 256GB of storage and i would love to have ios 19 on it. 😁
If you are serios its easy to check that. You have procent that voyager drained and also number of howers that you used the app. Didnt notice it drained any battery on my phone so i daubt it drained large amount on yours..
Haha funy joke..
First its more helpfull to show statistics for last 10 days so we can see your usual battery life. Second you have 3h off screen time, so it means something that is in the background is eating your battery..
Voxlibre caped at 60fps
cross-posted from:
> When i press f5 i get to see the fps, and its caped at 60 like i turned on vsync but i didnt. > I remember that earlier i was playing in 120 or higher fps but now for some reason its only 60. > In settings i changed max fps setting to 30 and it worked now fps was caped at 30 but when i change it to be 120 or 240 it stays on 60 for some reason. Does anyone know why that may be..? > > I have rx 5700xt > Ryzen 7 2700x > And 32GB of ddr4 memory > And 1TB ssd so no problem there.. > > Game is runing on pop os by the way
I tryed ios just from curiosity in 2018, it isnt like android didnt serve me well, it certanly did but i like to explore and thats why i tryed ios. But i liked it better so i switched and from that day to today im still on ios and i like wery much latest update ( Ios18 ). But i hierd latest android is wery good in aspect of efficiency, managing background processes etc and im wery glad because of that.
They hawe much better cameras today, much better battery life. Much better processors and graphic processors for much better gamming. More ram and more storage 🙂 Better quality video, and much brighter displayes for using in sunlight. Louder speakers for music. And 120Hz displayes for smoooooooth everything 🙂 Good enough if you ask me 🤷♂️
More of a problem if you ask me is that most of that software is “closed source” and they are spying on us all the time. We need more of “open source” software for good privacy and to have control in our hands. But education about those things is the cay. Because there are alredy a lot of open source programs, apps, and even games. But becayse people are litle edycated about all that, those apps are not recognised as the best, and small amount of people are using them. And that means not wery much money for developing new open source apps and games.. Instead, most people are using “close source” apps and games that are directly spying on them all, and tracking every single move.. But we need freedom, and thats why i try to educate people around me, about stuff that i know, and learn from them some things that i dont know.
Battery statistics reset on itsown..?

Anyone know why my statistics reset on its own..? Its not the first time it happand. Is it because i charged my phone from 62% back to 100%..? I red on apples official forum that apperently it resets battery statistics but im not sure, because i think some times i charge it from 80% and nothing happends.. Meaby i dont charge it to 100% but to 98% or something like that, so thats why it doesnt activate reset function..?
I agree whit ewerything you sad 😏 Curently have iphone xs and planing to upgrade to 15pro.. Dynamic island seems like an downgrade to me also..
Open source projects will alvause be better than closed sorce ones. If tou are giving money for closed source program, better give that money to open source project and everything will be better..
SurvivalCraft in Minetest?

cross-posted from:
> SurvivalCraft in Minetest? > > I was playing a lot of Survivalcraft back in the days and i think its a great game. > And now that i know for Minetest and enjoy a lot of Mineclone2 i would love to see Survivalcraft clone in Minetest. > Since i played both Minecraft and Survivalcraft i would now love to play them boath in Minetest. > I wander is there someone else that have the same idea, and is there interest for such a project at all..? > > I imagine that Minetest engine would also need an ubgrade, since Survivalcraft have some features that Minecraft doesnt have. > Like temperature sensitivity for player and plants, also you cant eat same food alvause or you will get sick. And also you can get sick from cold, and wetness is also a factor and so on.. > But it would be such a great game in Minetest!
This is bulshit, didnt have to say aything in tehnical aspect of the browser so he continyed to tras some people that work on that project, probably false..
Looks like steam machine to me.
Are there any?

cross-posted from:
> Gardians and Elder Gardians in Mineclone2 > > I noticed in creative mode that there are eggs for spawning guardians and elder ones but there are no such mobs in ocean monuments in survival mode. > So my question is: Is there proper ocean monument that looks like one in minecraft, and with guardians, or there is only this stracture that is much commoner, smaller and looks like hiv virus and has no guardiens..?
Gardians and Elder Gardians in Mineclone2

cross-posted from:
> Gardians and Elder Gardians in Mineclone2 > > I noticed in creative mode that there are eggs for spawning guardians and elder ones but there are no such mobs in ocean monuments in survival mode. > So my question is: Is there proper ocean monument that looks like one in minecraft, and with guardians, or there is only this stracture that is much commoner, smaller and looks like hiv virus and has no guardiens..?
Thank you all for answers <3 I will try it and report if i need help.
lemmy is realy an awsome forum!
Isnt docker kind of virtualisation? Is it realy required for this? I would expect flatpak to have a way of autostarting software.. 🤔🤷♂️
Sounds complicatad but i will try it. Tnx for answer!
Autostart Jellyfin flatpak

How to set jellyfin server flatpak to start automaticly when system boots up?
I was doing this earlier wit deb version, but now with flatpak i dont know how to do it.
I installed it via popshop on linux pop os and now i have icon in my apps meny but its anoying to start it manualy every time i restart my pc..