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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Minecraft / Minetest
Members 207
Posts 6
Active Today 2
  • Minecraft / Minetest Droid

    Minetest is now called Luanti Introducing Our New Name

    After more than a year of public and internal discussions, we're ready to announce our new name!

    Introducing Our New Name

    > ### Luanwhat? > “Luanti” is a wordplay on the Finnish word luonti (“creation”) and the programming language Minetest Luanti employs for games and mods, Lua. The goal was to avoid yet another plain English word (good luck finding something unique…) and highlight the core principles of the project. The fusion of celeron55’s Finnish nationality and the platform’s focus on content creation resulted in the birth of “Luanti”.

  • Minecraft / Minetest batman654987

    Voxlibre caped at 60fps

    cross-posted from:

    > When i press f5 i get to see the fps, and its caped at 60 like i turned on vsync but i didnt. > I remember that earlier i was playing in 120 or higher fps but now for some reason its only 60. > In settings i changed max fps setting to 30 and it worked now fps was caped at 30 but when i change it to be 120 or 240 it stays on 60 for some reason. Does anyone know why that may be..? > > I have rx 5700xt > Ryzen 7 2700x > And 32GB of ddr4 memory > And 1TB ssd so no problem there.. > > Game is runing on pop os by the way

  • Minecraft / Minetest palitu

    Minetest for Kids

    I have just stumbled upon minetest, in a FOSS thread on lemmy.

    My son plays minecraft, in both creative and survival mode. What are peoples thought on moving him to minetest?

    It looks like there is a lot that can go wrong when setting it up, the menu's are extensive!

    any info is appreciated!

  • Minecraft / Minetest Astrealix

    Minecraft 1.20.1 is out!

    FIXED BUGS IN 1.20.1

    • Fixed a disk permissions-related crash.
    • MC-263244 - The realms invitation icon that appears on the realms button in the main menu is displayed incorrectly
    • MC-263245 - Buttons in the "Add Realm" interface within the realms menu no longer render.
    • MC-263296 - Game softlocks after cancelling joining a server
    • MC-263340 - Incorrect Protochunk#setStatus call on chunk generate.
  • Minecraft / Minetest thursday_j

    Minetest is big enough to have it's own half fledged wikipedia page

  • Minecraft / Minetest thursday_j

    illuna is a minetest server that has a matrix, telegram, mastodon, discord, irc and more Minetestserver

    An awesome minetestserver, using handselected mods and a very own texturepack. Be part of this amazing minetest community!
