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baphlew Baphlew

Hi, I'm Baphlew!

Posts 1
Comments 7
Zoey enjoys to rest her head on the chair
  • I have a few photos of Zoey looking chonky just like yours too! So cute

  • Zoey enjoys to rest her head on the chair
  • "It ain't gonna pet itself!"

  • Found my old PS Vita - Can we get some appreciation for how great this handheld was/is?
  • Slight lag but it's quite unnoticeable. I'm amazed it even works lol

  • Found my old PS Vita - Can we get some appreciation for how great this handheld was/is?
  • I modded my PS Vita so I can run Steam Link on it. Works great! It's done by using Moonlight/Sunshine.

  • Daddy longlegs
  • Very nice! In Swedish it's called a harkrank. Funny name.

  • Zoey enjoys to rest her head on the chair

    Not sure why, maybe the metal is cold so she cools herself when she's a bit warm. Totally ignoring the cooling mat she got lol
