I'm not using a PS Vita, but I recently moved from pure Steam Link app to Moonlight and Sunshine (amd GPU) and I'm flabbergasted at how well it works so fucking better than Steam Link. It's like being in front of your main monitor.
I wanted to guy a Switch, and I am debating if I want to mod now and get an older model, or buy a new one and wait for better methods. Or... I could install one of the modchips on it
I sold my PSP years ago and now have a modchipped switch. With the release of android for it, I can play most PSP games on the PPSSPP emulator. Some games have issues, but even the God of War games run at full speed. It’s definitely not as small as the PSP or Vita. I’d recommend getting the OLED model and using a mod chip, as that’s probably the only way to hack it. Nintendo really locked down the later versions
I have a vita that ultimately stopped working, and gets stuck in a boot loop (original os, no modding/tampering done). Do you think it's hardware related? Or could I still flash a new os on that puppy.
I still pull my Vita out like once a year to play something. Before the Steam Deck came along, this was my favorite handheld. Especially because I love JRPGs and the library for the genre is/was impressive.
Unfortunate that Sony didn't give the Vita the support it needed to be successful.
Dude, Vita is my daily driver. My advice? Mod the ever living fuck out of it! It's well past end of life. And Sony doesn't seem to give two shits that I'm playing online on a hacked and spoofed version, on a game I didn't pay for.
imho ruined by its memory card. If it was with a real memory standard, it could be used to watch media on the go. (it can play media, right? Or it's strictly for gaming?)
You can play media off it, but the cards were proprietary, expensive, and prone to failure, especially the big ones. I've had the 64gb card get corrupted a few times.
I had the fat one and loved the bumps, made it so comfortable I couldn't touch my friends' slim. Miss it a lot but last time I tried it had a terrible stick drift. Wonder if they're still available somewhere
I've recently started playing on my PSP slim again, it's a neat wee device especially when loaded up with 32gb of games, a 12ish hour internal battery, and a USB-C port so I can charge it with the same cable as my phone!
Had a ton of great first-party releases back in the day, it emulates everything up to the PS1 and some DOS games like Fallout pretty well, and the homebrew scene is still quite active - the CFW/launcher I use gets new features every few weeks and a few of the games like NZ:P still have regular updates.
Loved my Vita, but they were so stingy with those memory cards. Out of spite I never upgraded my storage so only ever had like 2 games on it at a time lol.
You reminded me I got a SD2Vita at some point, then I moved before I could try it and now I'm not sure where it is. I need to go scour my handheld shelves and boxes.
I got mine in 2015 and had a lot of fun with it. Such a shame Sony stopped supporting it so early. But even still, it has a very respectable catalogue.
I’m always the annoying guy praising how good the Vita is.
One of my favorite thing about it is how repairable it is! The screws are even color-coded! Changing anything is ridiculously easy. (Changing the screen is a bit harder but you can change the whole front shell which includes the screen very easily)
I liked my Vita a lot, but the UI was such a step back from the PSP. I hated the bubbles so much. Felt like it was all because they wanted to utilize the touch screen.
I love the Vita! It just feels so right in the hand, and the clicky d-pad/face buttons are the best. I like it so much that around a year ago I ported one of my favorite indie games to it.
I keep mine charged to play Castlevania Symphony of the Night occasionally. And gravity rush. A shame they don't bring out a successor but I think Nintendo has cornered the market unfortunately
I was unironically a massive fan of the PSTV, it was literally just a box with the internals of a Vita that you plugged into your TV. It was absolutely fantastic to be able to carry around a tiny console to hotels to get a proper gaming experience
Oh yeah... I was still very much into console wars at the time it released, rooting for the Vita against the 3DS, haha.
I ended up importing it from HK to get it a few months (perhaps mere weeks even) before launch and I even made unboxings, reviews and news "coverage" on YT at the time. I loved that handheld to bits.
I don't have my day one console anymore, but I do still have one (hacked 2000 model, I'd love to get a Hori grip for it but those are way too expensive nowadays...).
I was just playing Oracle of Seasons on a GBC emulator on my Vita yesterday. I love the PSP and the PS Vita, severely underrated especially with all the CFW and homebrew options.
I even used Moonlight to grind life skills in MMOs from my Vita.
I had a 3000 model. I bought it only because a coworker told me that it was trivially easy to install CFW and run my own local ISOs from the memory card, and a bunch of us would play pirated copies of Shinobido and Macross together on breaks.
That thing was a surprisingly capable little device. I lost mine a while back, and I honestly kinda miss it sometimes.
Modded PSPs were the best way of playing retro games on the go for the longest time, I'd say it's only very recently that portable android consoles have even come close
You tried hardmodding it? Soldering in a USB-C port and a massive internal battery is apparently even easier on the 1000 than on the 3000 that I did it on!
Vita. Once you mod it, which is easy and recommended, you can play any PSP game on it you might want, on a slightly bigger screen, with much better controls.
You can get a mint condition Japanese PSP-1000 for about a quarter of the price of a Vita! If you solder in a 5000-6000 mah battery you can get some 14+ hours of gameplay between charges! You can also fit a ton of games on a cheap 64-128gb microsd with a $3 adapter, and adding a USB-C port so it charges with the same cable as everything else is pretty easy!
Never had one, but repeatedly thought about getting one because of portable emulation. Nowadays there are better options for that, but the Vita itself is still a really nice little machine. At least for now, I'm happy with my Switch tho.
I thought about getting one, but now I got the Gamesir X2 Pro for my phone and I don't see how a real Vita could give me any advantages over my current setup. I love this controller!
Sold mine earlier this year because I needed the money for rent. I loved that thing, I miss it all the time. It was my Persona and SMT machine, so many hours...