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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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How prevalent is the topic of mental health in America compared to Germany?
  • I do. I'm 40 years old and live in an isolated although not quite rural area of a mostly conservative state. I used to keep my struggles and issues to myself out of shame. At some point it occurred to me that talking about my struggles with depression and anxiety might help someone else not feel ashamed or embarrassed about their mental health leading them to seek help. "Be the change you want to see in the world", right?

    Like any chronic health condition, insurance can be a pain in the ass trying to find a good provider. Reading some of the other responses I'm feeling lucky in that the most difficult issue I've had is just finding a therapist I click with. My insurance has a feature on their website where I can find therapists in my area that are in their network.

  • What's going on today that you wish you could have a little help with?
  • Thank you! I did have a friend with me at the time of confrontation which helped me immensely. It did require the police as it turns out there was a warrant for an unrelated matter for him although he wasn't arrested at the time. I think by having the police come he finally realized I wasn't backing down and he's run out of time. He's now moving his most important things out and working on finding another place. He has until the sheriff's department, which handles civil cases like this in my state, comes and officially removes him. I haven't told him but I think I will make arrangements with him after that happens for him to get the rest of his stuff at a later date.

    I feel like I have more energy now than I've had for the last year, I actually want to do something with my time at home other than sleep.

  • What's going on today that you wish you could have a little help with?
  • I first informed him I wanted him to move over 2 years ago, but he never left. Hopefully this will finally be resolved in the next week. I'm at the end of my rope, barely surviving in my own home. I hide in my bedroom, while he roams the house making a mess...I want him to be happy and healthy but that won't happen while he's in my house. We're both miserable.

  • What's going on today that you wish you could have a little help with?
  • What I've found that helps me with this is follow through on the worry. For example, maybe I'm worried my boyfriend will leave me, and to follow through on that I think "then what happens?" Well, I would be depressed for awhile, and then eventually get over it. I'll go through the stages of grief for the death of the relationship but I will survive and move on. This Follow Through thought pattern works best on situations you have actual control over in your day to day life.

    Another thought is "you can't control everything but you can control how you react to things".

  • What's going on today that you wish you could have a little help with?
  • I know nothing about psoriatic arthritis but I do know a little about joint inflammation. I read about how an imbalance of omega fatty acids can cause inflammation and after taking a fish oil pill most of the pain went away in my knees. Would that be something you could try?

  • What's going on today that you wish you could have a little help with?
  • Kicking my ex out. I'm terrible at any kind of confrontation and at this point I do have the option of calling the police to assist. I just know that I am a doormat and am afraid I will cave if he gives me a sob story. He's had over two years to get his shit together and leave but it's come to forcefully removing him. I could use someone besides the police with a firm voice to convince him to get up and moving.