You have the ability to control any person in the world for one minute, what do you do with this ability?
Only one time use.
Think of like world leaders, celebrities, ya know ๐. Are you gonna make them do some embarassing things, or illegal acts.
My answer:
Take control of an NSA agent with access to the most powerful hacking tools, hack everyone's phone, install a program that randomly have a popup at random intervals, the popup message says "I'm watching you". This also tries to spread itself to any other phone it can connect to. Pure chaos ๐
Pretty sure I can do this in a minute, depending on how good the NSA tools are.
Ooh - Jeff Bezos, and some way to irreversibly triple every non-executive Amazon worker/contractor's pay, plus full healthcare. He can afford it and Amazon has enough direct and indirect workers that it'll be felt throughout the country and the economy, and other companies will eventually be forced to compete, raising living standards for most people (and increasing tax revenue).
End with a tweet supporting an inflation-linked living wage, Medicare for All, and UBI.
Okay, I've had a nice nap, so here's the answer: I'd take over Putin's body, demand the nearest person's gun, and rid the world of him (Putin) once and for all.
Ah i see we think alike. Except i would have it during a live video and make it look like he 'accidentally' topped out. People would be like "he... he actually just fell out of a window"
The actual problem here is that it's not clear when he will be near a gun to the point that someone could do that. You only have a minute. Is Trump within a minute's range of a gun and would not be stopped by his security detail if he tried to use it?
My thought process is: Turn to security guy, say, "gib gun plz, pres order". Offhand I dunno if they'd comply, but worth a shot (see what i did there?)
Just set up a bitcoin wallet before you use the ability. Then take control of someone like musk, who definitely has some bitcoins, transfer all to your wallet.
Very traceable, in fact. Do you know how bitcoins work?
The issue is when you try to spend the bitcoins. You'll eventually reveal some of your personal info when doing so, unless you are willing to work with the underground. Might go well, might end up with you in a ditch or a cell.
I say doctors should have a way to do this with patients to deterministically diagnose a person, (with consent of course). I'd do that in a heartbeat with my chronic issues.
Make someone edit the balance of my bank account. I think you can buy a lot of things, including further immoral services with cash. I hope there is someone who can do it in 1 minute and doesn't require any review by other people.
This would undoubtedly backfire just like that TikTok "hack" that happened a while ago. (If you're out of the loop, it boiled down to writing yourself a bad cheque for a ridiculous amount, and then spending the money that appeared in your account before it bounced. Presto! Cheque fraud! Bad things are coming to you soon!)
"We're sorry to inform you that you have spent money wrongly credited to your account. You now owe us all that money back and we've slapped on a 100% interest rate for good measure. You could fight this in court, but we have more money than Croesus, so you'll lose. Sincerely YourBank Inc."
To OP and others giving similar answers; ok, so you take control of the person...
Do you actually know how to do the things you say?
Using OP as an example, do you know how to use those hacking tools? Do you know how to go about hacking everyone's phone? Because otherwise the only thing you'll have access to for a minute is whatever is in arms reach of said NSA agent.
As Netanyahu start screaming in to the nearest camera.
"This is the one true voice of God, Of course this man commits genocide! His final solution to Palestinians is to smite every hospitals, school and refugee until none remain! Those that help him kill shall be damned with him. Repent!"
Figure that is immposible for him to explain away and would end his support. Killing him wouldn't stop the killing, but discrediting him among the religious might.
Only downside is it would cement religion as a fact, but I guess if I got magic possession powers then it end my skeptical agnosticism about higher powers anyways.
Biden: order seal team to take out any and all known associates to the MAGA movement. Do this under extreme secrecy and urgency, using all classified information related. Also any controlling parties to the GOP and DNC.
I don't think it's possible to pull that off. There might be tools to send SMS to every active number but figuring out how that software works takes way more than 1min. Even if you also get the knowledge there might be several security measures in place, like additional approvement before sending.
I would control Putin and check the famous russian window.
Do a whole lot of research, then take control of the president, and pardon people for a minute. As far as I'm aware, it takes effect as long as someone hears, or I write it down or something.
As someone with ADHD, Iโd immediately get myself doing the things I want to be doing. Manipulating/screwing over others? No thanks. The havoc I wreak just in myself is plenty enough
Wouldn't you just get distracted and put it off for later like you already do when you already have control of yourself albeit through the very same ADHD-addled brain you were hoping would for some reason spend the one, in some way supernatural minute, highly effectively?