It's important to note that Trump is responsible for what's happening. While Obama was given the financial crisis on his lap because of things out of his immediate control.
Yesterday I saw clips on TV from us media supporting trump's stances on Ukraine and stuff like that. Made me quite angry because the way that the presentation of the news was set up was to influence the viewer. Nothing else. It wasn't to inform, it was to influence.
When it's about politics on Belgian nationalised TV channel, then it's always various people who share their points of view and it's more to inform than to dictate.
It's pretty fun, it does stuff better than Reddit so I'm focusing on that. Personally I'm enjoying that you can scroll through so many parts when searching for a topic
As Belgian I do think Switzerland is one of the best countries on the entire planet. There's a reason why they have 30% immigrants, and it's not because German is a fun language to learn 😁
I got permanently banned from Reddit for saying this. 17 hours and it's still up uh
Edit: whoops 17 upvotes, not 17 hours ☺️