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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 11
The Internet is Worse Than Ever – Now What?
  • What I miss the most about the 90's web is websites being reduced to the bare minimum possible. Delivery of content first then everything else. The only thing that got an exception: GIF images.

  • I'm looking for recipes
  • 12k years ago we learned to farm crops.

    We have been eating meat way longer before that (I believe ~400k years?) but only because we were able to use fire to make it consumable for us (cooking also expanded the availability of plant proteins at the same amount). We aren't really capable of consuming raw meat very effectively until this day. Especially when looking at our digestive system, we're still very close to the fruit, nut and bug eating apes.

    That's not evolution.

  • What is the best anonymous image hosting site?
  • That's true, they're strict but I guess that's because of the German law they're having to obey. They've been around for ages and I respect them for switching to donation based back in 2012 and being kept alive by the community ever since.

  • Neuen veganen Leberkäse getestet
  • Bin gespannt, hatte bisher nur den von Vantastic und fande den okay. Mein Rewe ist nur immer sehr langsam mit der Einführung neuer Produkte.

    Hattest ihn vor dem warm machen auch kalt probiert?