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Physical Editions of Starfield will not contain a game disc
  • This is like God of War: Ragnarok. The limited edition version came with a beautiful steel book case but didn't come with an actual physical copy of the disc inside.
    Physical media in relation to games is a joke now due to all the big patches required. It even affects the Switch.
    Metal Gear Solid Vol 1 totals 24gb for the whole game, add another 30gb for all the bonus videos. The cartridge holds 2.1gb of game data.
    The Batman Arkham games will come on a cartridge but only the first game is on there, you will have to download the other two.

  • Finally Friday - chat thread
  • I work on a rota, so I'll be working through the weekend until Wednesday lunchtime. However, I've come to Anglesey to work which is a lovely place. Unfortunately, my work requires dry weather and it's currently raining.

  • Indiana Jones Game Deal Amended to Exclude Playstation
  • As an Indiana Jones fan and a PS5 owner, this has pissed me off today.

    There was a thought in the back of my head that told me it was very likely to happen with MS buying Bethesda but as nothing had been said since the Twitter announcement in January '21, I still had my fingers crossed.

  • KRAVEN THE HUNTER – Official Red Band Trailer (HD)
  • Is this a modern take on an eighties movie? It looks terrible. I think I've seen every kill in the film now, what's left to watch?

  • Batman: Arkham Trilogy | Official Nintendo Switch Reveal Trailer

    Batman: Arkham Trilogy comes to Nintendo Switch this Fall. All three games. All DLC. One complete package.

    I love the first two games but considering Arkham Knight came out on PS4 and Xbox One, I'm very interested to see how they have got that to run on a Switch.
