Usually like 35-40 minutes. Problem is, they are a growing start-up that hasn't grasped that they have grown too big to still have company-wide stand-ups.
The donut hut is back in town now it’s summer! Been waiting for it since last year. I love me some fresh, sugared donuts. Partner has a half day so 3pm you best believe I will be stuffing my face with freshly fried goodness.
Half day today, husband is going away tomorrow until Tuesday so I get the house to myself. I'll do what I always do, immediately revert to my natural nocturnal rhythm.
Got some sewing to do and maybe even a knitting group to go to and talk to real human beings. Gonna gamedev my little heart out and slob around in my pyjamas surrounded by an increasing pile of unwashed plates. No bedmaking, craft projects taking over the house instead of just their assigned room, knickers everywhere. I also have to watch exactly 11 episodes of Star Trek TOS so we're synced up and can continue on together next week.
Then ten minutes before he's due home I'll have a quick square round and everything will go back to normal.
(the actual todo list for this weekend includes things like "clean the bathroom" and "learn Greek" but the above description is way more likely to actually happen)
Going to our friends house. They have a hot tub. Quiet Saturday, will do parkrun then have a few jobs and errands in town. Will watch a film in evening. Pizza and DnD on Sunday. Can't wait for work to be over!
I work on a rota, so I'll be working through the weekend until Wednesday lunchtime. However, I've come to Anglesey to work which is a lovely place. Unfortunately, my work requires dry weather and it's currently raining.
Getting out of work early to drive down to Plymouth for the weekend to meet up with some old mates.
Hotel rooms are all booked up due to a Rod Stewart gig, so staying in an Air BnB for the first time.
Had my IBM Cloud certification exam today. It’s been a massive source of stress and they’ve been pushing folk to get it in before mid year reviews. Got 94% so chuffed to bits. Off to pick up a few cans and then chill on Warcraft after I feed the weans etc