Posts 0
Comments 6
BlackBerry's iconic keyboard patent has expired 2 0
I'm in the same boat as you. I'm currently on my second keytwo. If you find a good option let me know.
Pornhub Valentine's Day searches by US state 6 0
Pornhub actually has a pretty good blog that goes into detail on all kinds of trends. You might find answers there.
Pornhub Valentine's Day searches by US state 28 0
They're just a more prepared California.
Americans choose most expensive way possible to discover what goods made in Canada 18 0
They very nicely slipped a Nuremberg defense reference in there.
What Linux distro surprised you the most? 5 0
Yeah, I tried a variety of Debian based distros to start my Linux journey and but eventually just settled on Debian stable and haven't looked back.
Very clever... 2 0
I made that switch a few months ago just so I could cut, copy and paste without having to lookup how to do it. it's been great.