One of my first computer jobs was working in a student computer lab at my undergraduate university. This was back in the mid 90s-ish.
We had three types of computers - windows machines running 3.1 or whatever was current then, Macs who would all do a Wild Eep together when they rebooted en masse, and Sun X Windows dumb terminals that were basically just (obviously) unix machines for all intents and purposes. This was back when there were basically like 5 websites total, and people still hadn’t heard of Mosaic.
So everyone wanted the windows and Mac boxes, and only took the xterms when there was nothing else open. I was the primary support person for them since none of the other people wanted to learn Unix and I was the only CS major.
The X boxes suffered from two main learning hurdles. One was that backspaces were incorrectly mapped into some escape key sequence, and the other is that it would drop you from (I think) pine into emacs as a mail editor as soon as you hit it. 90% of my time was telling people how to exit emacs. It was that, putting more paper into the printers, and teaching myself more programming than I was learning in classes.
It's hard to hate nano, but IMHO there also isn't anything to like in particular either. It's basically a TUI notepad. It's there, it lets people edit files... and that's pretty much all there is to it.
You can use nano without having to read anything about nano. That might be the only thing that is better about it than vim, but it's a damn important thing.
I like nano because it has worked any time I needed it. I don't dislike nano because I'm not good enough at Linux to have ever run into its limitations
It just makes a lot of stuff way easier once you know how to use it. Switching out a word for another: two button-presses, duplicating a line: three presses, deleting 500 consecutive lines: five presses
I don't understand the need for Ctrl-C/V, when manually copying the text exists.
I know it's snarky, but that's the level of difference we're talking about here.
Or imagine, to delete a line, someone Right Arrows 50 times, then backspaces 50 times, instead of using the shortcut.
% of the time I'm using nano to edit something in the terminal, and it's usually something really minor. I'm using GUIs for the majority of my computing anyway, so if I need some robust text editing, I've got a bunch of easier-to-learn, easier-to-use options available, and that's totally ignoring things like awk, grep, sed, etc.
I don't mean to be all "BuT iT's cLOseD SoURce" but you should give Logseq or Zettlr a try. They're similar WYSIWYG markdown editors, but also FOSS. Zettlr also has vim keys.
Also not a fan about the closed source thing, but I like about Obsidian that it's all just markdown. If I ever need to ditch it, I can keep and use my existing files as they are.
Would this also be possible with Zettlr or Logseq?
I don’t know about Zettlr, but last I looked at Logseq it worked off markdown files similar to Obsidian.
That said, I felt Logseq wasn’t quite ready for prime time when I was doing my research a year or so ago. So I went with Obsidian and have been very happy with it.
Been using Logseq for six months, and yes. It’s all just .md and media files referenced by relative links.
This was an important factor the choice to use it. Having used several note taking applications / systems, getting your data ‘out’ in a painless fashion is the #1 concern.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'm actually checking a couple new editors out as i'm looking for an alternative to OneNote. Just started messing with this one, but i'm not sure if i'll settle for it yet.
There's nothing there that really strikes me as disingenuous or bad. If they wanna be closed source, they can be, for whatever reason(s) they want. Does it mean a number of people (me included) are less likely to use it? Yes. But outside of our bubble here, most people don't care about open vs closed source software.
I was about to comment that their website also claims "legitimate interest" to create a personalised ad profile on me, before I realised that that is not the official Obsidian website.
But yeah, the stated reasons are dumb.
It's extra work they don't totally see the value in and they want to be able to sell their product? Those seem like pretty normal reasons not to maintain an open source project.
They also want to be able to support their families by making money through the Obsidian application, which could be more difficult in an open source environment.
This is the only one that seems really legit to me. That and the other commenter that said open source is more work, which is probably true, and if you're not getting benefit it could be a net loss.
Edit: I tested Logseq. It has the basic functionality down, so for many it might be great. For me, though, it doesn't come close to what is possible with the plugins of Obsidian. So for now I'll stick with Obsidian.
Coming here to recommend Joplin, been using it for years and it's a great note app, markdown + external editing supported, open source, CLI & GUI clients, encrypted... Does everything right!
Firstly Joplin is great note taking app and if that is all you want you really should go for it. I used it for years and was really happy.
But Obsidian is far more than just a note app. It like a Wikipedia page, you can add links within the text of your notes to another note. But they are also bi-directional, meaning you can see the incoming and outgoing links.
Making easy to use the related notes instead of just link to it. Sometimes you did not even think this note could use that note information and it shows you can connect them.
Not only that Dataview lets you live index and query your data. Letting me build a template and query that data dynamics.
I tumbled across Zettlr when I was looking at maybe replacing Zim for my homebrew TTRPG games at the table. I use DokuWiki online. I ran my Star Wars game through it. Pretty impressive.
Zettlr is a great program, but to recommend it while bashing Obsidians table editing seems interesting. I've never used Obsidian so I can't say how good their implementation is, but I know I've struggled alot with the Zettlr tables...
There's a table edit plug in that makes it easy. The gripe I have with it is not being able to right-justify numbers (or maybe I haven't looked close enough)
I would in theory prefer FOSS. But what is the situation with plugins and themes? Can I use obsidian plugins with any of those? If not, I'm probably not gonna switch.
Would love to but I’m not going to pay a subscription for sync (one time would be ok), or have my data on a random aws instance. And last time I checked there is no plugin for your own self defined sync storage like Nextcloud. Once there is, I’m having a go.
I've been using linux pretty exclusively at home for almost 25 years now. Program. Script. Work in the shell a lot, and the other day I had to use vim and it took me a while to remember the basic commands. I'm a nano guy :\
+1 for micro. I install it on every server I administer, and alias it to nano. If you're a nano user and haven't tried micro, I highly recommend it. It's like nano, but built this century, it feels fast and modern.
If you feel like it definitely give it another go. Vim (or neovim) is just insanely good once you've developed the muscle memory for the keybinds.
It takes a bit of time and practice but it's actually fairly user friendly once you understand how it works. (c for change, y for yank, p for paste, e for end, b for beginning etc.)
I was a nano person for the longest time, was planning to try out vim but never did, until i saw a coworker using it and he explained a little about the vim "language" actually worked and how much you could do with it
With some encouragement from him and a week or two of reduced productivity i was able to do everything just as fast in vim as in nano, and it only got better from there, now i find any other editor slow and tiresome in comparison
If you want something that is quite a nice editor too but doesn't require hundreds of lines of configuration, try helix. It also has nice help menus so it's fast to learn. I've used vim since the 90's and Emacs for many years, but nowadays I kinda just like hx how it just works with zero configuration for any programming language I need to work with.
A lot of my personal dislike for VIM would be done away with if it just had a helpful common keys cheat sheet (basic cursor navigation, edit mode, exit with and without saving, etc) at the bottom of the editor window like Nano does.
Having the commands listed at the bottom by default is one thing i personally dislike about nano, because they take up space while being useless to someone knowing the commands (or at least knowing how to open the help in, which is what you can do in vim to achieve the cheat sheet). The alternative that vim uses, is to show the commands when starting the editor without opening a file.
one of my favorite things about helix is how easily you can check the keybinds for certain actions - just space-? and then you can see a list of every command available (by description) and their keybinds, if they have one
Really, I'd just recommend using nano then. It's installed basically anywhere you can find vim and works perfectly fine as a text editor! To use vim effectively it has a learning curve no matter what, so it's not necessarily meant for everyone.
:wq will save and then exit, while :x will save only if the file has been modified and then exit, and then there's ZZ that does the same as :x, plus there are probably others:-)
I just remembered that Bram Moolenaar, the author of vim has recently died...
He was a real good person. Back when he released his first vim for Amiga Computers I exchanged some emails with him and he handled even my less smart suggestions very professional.
I just take the chance to remind everyone to spend some money for his Uganda Charity.
I just noticed someone should try xkill if they get the chance. If that doesn't work they should rephrase the question. That is all. This will be my last grand contribution for today. Have a nice Wednesday everyone :3
Great idea for when you start in IT! Always had trouble first year in my apprenticeship when i had accidentally opened vim.
Ask for first time and after 2 months not used.