Posts 0
Comments 9
Can we all agree that whatever version of predictive text we have nowadays is crap, and has been for a long time? 1 0
This thread is about predictive typing and your post was so barely tangentially related as to be a non-sequitur. So again I ask: What?
Can we all agree that whatever version of predictive text we have nowadays is crap, and has been for a long time? 1 0
... What?
Another Command and Conquer Remastered Collection Hinted By EA’s Lead Producer 4 0
Nope. Just Command & Conquer, Red Alert, and Tiberian Sun plus all of their respective expansions.
Not sure how a second remastered collection would be "scummy", as RightHandOfIkaros puts it. The Remastered Collection was well done.
The World Hasn’t Seen Cicadas Like This Since 1803 11 0
Inspected numbers and choice numbers just aren't as good.
Another antique here, from the era of rage comics - circa 2010-2012 6 0
I feel personally attacked.