Should have clarify, we're at her hometown, plenty of thing for her to do here.
Tomorrow's my last day in Indo after spending a week here. Wife & kids are staying for another month though. First time in four years we're going to be apart. It's gonna be a wet day at the airport, well tonight to I guess.
I had no idea who 1975 was, this has been great publicity for them. Still haven't listened to their music though
Youtube (& Youtubers) really want us to watch Oppenheimer. Every other video on my feed is about either the atom bomb or th WWII, Japan's conflict specifically.
Went to KLCC yesterday and wife asked me to get some present for her friend's kid at Smiggle. Holy fuck, the price.. Pencil case starts at RM69, RM350 for a bag. RM45 for a stationary set but only if you buy something else at full price. My friend mentioned that his 7YO nephew had lost friends because he was the only one in his circle that didn't had Smiggle. Man, kid these days. I grew up in a upper middle-class household, having one of those multipurpose pencil case with built in sharperner & multiple drawers was the height of luxury.
They can't simply fail you if you're doing everything perfect. There are cases of bribery, but it’s more about them looking the other way when you messed up.