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China releases prototypes of world's fastest high-speed train
  • Any day now, they'll successfully teleport someone like Star Trek.

  • Europe is entering a century of humiliation
  • Another banger from Arnaud ''Threadmaster X'' Bertrand.

  • secret of zen
  • You know that scene in Office Space when the therapist dies from a heart attack and you don't know whether his therapy worked or Peter is just stuck under hypnosis forever? That was my moment.

  • Elon Musk on Multiculturalism
  • The timing on that youtube thumbnail.

  • Haiti: The first free nation
  • Haiti was invited to the last meeting of ALBA-TCP held recently, and Venezuela has always reiterated their debt to Haiti, whom armed and trained what would become the army of Simón Bolívar, and Antonio José de Sucre. That was the army that liberated most of South America, expelled the Spanish, and founded Bolivia, whom will turn 200yrs old next August. Haiti was the corrective to the incomplete French Revolution, which claimed to stand for Fraternité, Egalité et Solidarité, but did not account for the enslaved. It is no surprise that our boy, Robespierre, got shat on hard by modern historicity, because his ideas were what motivated the Haitians to become the first free nation. All of us in Latinamerica and the Caribbean have a historical debt with Haiti, for showing us the way, and I know someday Haiti will stand proud of her history.

  • “Israel” colonizes Syrian territory, and anti-Assad rebels allow it, seeking more Western support| Geopolitical Economy Report
  • Great points, man, I wish more people understood Ché's words: ''No se puede confiar en el imperialismo, pero ni tantico así, nada.'' ''We can't trust imperialism, not even a teeny bit, nothing.''

  • Feli cumple Diegote
  • Dunno how many people know this, but the watch that Maduro always uses was a gift from Diego, it may have been the one on that pic. Maradona's spirit is always with Nico.

  • Today's my birthday y'all
  • Happy Birthday, buddy, hope you're having a good day.

  • Donald Trump is NOT a 'threat to the deep state'. Here is his warmongering record.

    Following a shooting at a rally in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump's supporters have portrayed him as a so-called "threat to the US deep state". But in reality, Trump was a warmonger as president, and appointed top CIA officials and neoconservatives to run his foreign policy. Ben Norton reviews Trump's ...

    Donald Trump is NOT a 'threat to the deep state'. Here is his warmongering record.
    0 Webinar 2: Venezuela Chooses. What is at stake in the coming elections?

    Venezuela goes to the polls on 28 July 2024 to choose a president for a six-year term beginning on 10 January 2025. The second term of incumbent President Maduro has continued the radical transformation that began under Hugo Chavez. This webinar, the second of two involving a wide range of expert co...

    Webinar 2: Venezuela Chooses. What is at stake in the coming elections?
    0 Radicals on the Run: A Conversation between Joel Whitney & Gabriel Rockhill

    🔴🔴🔴 Donations of any amount help us develop our free programming 🙏🏽 Support us on Patreon, and gain access to all of our content: PayPal: Venmo: @criticaltheoryworkshop 🔴🔴🔴 This conversation took place on July 5,...

    Radicals on the Run: A Conversation between Joel Whitney & Gabriel Rockhill
    Nice way to get muscular
  • One of my favorite brands of silliness.

    ''Free thinkers'' love to think of themselves as ''enlightened'', as brilliant individuals whom have ''cracked the code'', broke the binary, went beyond the pale of ''good and evil'', rose above the filth of material reality, of left and right in political terms.

    There are none more sheepishly led by the nose than those that think they're free, paraphrasing from Goethe, and deliberately utilizing the word ''sheep'' in there. Because these are the clowns that always call people ''sheep'' while, as comrades have pointed out, bleating state department talking points. They think they're freed from material reality, ''free spirits'' roaming aimlessly, ''sovereign citizens'' in defiance of state decrees. The amount of irony in their existence is what I find most entertaining, and why I love seeing their ass takes on YT comment sections.

  • We also just hate eachother
  • I spent the holidays last year going to a neighbor's house, and hanging out in the balcony, with fireworks popping off from the ''cerro'' behind my home, with beers and loud music, while his boys who're off in Chicago, were videocalling us from their car, in a parking lot, drinking with us and some Mexican friends of theirs, while looking out for cops. The contrast was just sad.

  • St. Zelensky Watching Himself At UN Ukrainian Media Shows Zelensky Sitting in Audience During His Own Speech at UN [Video]

    Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, has become a viral sensation, not for his speech at the recent United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) session,

    Ukrainian Media Shows Zelensky Sitting in Audience During His Own Speech at UN [Video]
  • I think they're more sane. There's no open-carry, they do background checks, if you are deemed mentally unwell, then can't carry, and stuff like that. You know, just the basic stuff you see everywhere.

    *Edit: Thought I should add that our Wal-Marts don't sell ammo or guns out in the open, not sure if it's like that in every Wal-Mart over there, but not here. You gotta go to a certified armory with your ID and permit. Of course, there's an underground market, and some folks go that route. But in mainstream society over here, guns are looked at very much like some libs would, they find them scary, unnecessary and dangerous. We do have gun violence, though, but nothing like school shootings, thank fuck.

  • Freedumbs!
  • Not even in PR, a satellite of the empire which by all practical accounts consumes the same ideological brainrot the US produces, does this shit happen.

    *Edit: To echo some other replies, we had fire and earthquake drills, and also for tsunamis.

  • Cracker man rages over pronouns in a video game
  • We got a new wojak thanks to him.

  • This quote is used by Belarus dissidents who whine about Lukashenko💀
  • You think that's crazy? She reminds me of Charlie Kirk.

  • “Try being free in a communist country”
  • ''None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.''

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe