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Haiti: The first free nation Haiti: The first free nation (Part 1)

In part 1, we look at the first successful slave revolt in history, and one for which Haitians were never forgiven.

Haiti: The first free nation (Part 1)

This is part 1 with a link at the top and bottom of the page to read part 2 which just came out. That way you have the full essay be the time I post this.

  • Haiti was invited to the last meeting of ALBA-TCP held recently, and Venezuela has always reiterated their debt to Haiti, whom armed and trained what would become the army of Simón Bolívar, and Antonio José de Sucre. That was the army that liberated most of South America, expelled the Spanish, and founded Bolivia, whom will turn 200yrs old next August. Haiti was the corrective to the incomplete French Revolution, which claimed to stand for Fraternité, Egalité et Solidarité, but did not account for the enslaved. It is no surprise that our boy, Robespierre, got shat on hard by modern historicity, because his ideas were what motivated the Haitians to become the first free nation. All of us in Latinamerica and the Caribbean have a historical debt with Haiti, for showing us the way, and I know someday Haiti will stand proud of her history.