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Stay-at-home dad TheFeas 22 0
Would you do (normal thing) for (absurd) dollars per year?
Stay-at-home dad TheFeas 14 0
People underestimate the value of decent family benefits and the cost of child care. The benefits of having a stay at home parent breaks even way sooner than people think.
Stay-at-home dad TheFeas 7 0
Some extra zeros slipped in there somewhere. That careful attention to detail explains the lack of 8 figure salary.
Stay-at-home dad TheFeas 11 0
Math skills like this is why I don't earn $12 million a year.
Stay-at-home dad TheFeas 21 2
$12 million/yr? The average person isn't able to comprehend that level of income. Thats ~$47k per HOUR. Like the average amount of money the median american makes in a YEAR.
Good thing I can't afford meat anyways. TheFeas 20 0
We need .001% of your combined wealth to end scarcity and suffering for all of humanity.
Billionaires: No. flies to space