Ok, so I hooked up with this wild wild wild girl. She wanted to come over and play Zombies Ate my Neighbors. I was about a year sober at this point. I was going to be careful careful.
She showed up with alcohol. At first I was like, “Nah, I’m not gonna drink.” But slowly, she got me there.
So I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face, stretched and yawned, and right in the middle of that yawn it dawned on me. “You did things with that Appalachian dope hooker that a man should only do with his wife!” It was like getting hit in the gut right in the middle of a yawn. That “ooouuuuuhwuh” action. You get it.
I panicked, went and got tested, and thank every fucking god ever worshipped by mankind I was clean.
This meme made me think of that. Gah.
Don’t drink and doperemoved. It could cost you your life. :p
Scarier thing to me is breaking sobriety... I can live a happy healthy life with an std... I can't do that with drugs and alcohol... hope your doing well with sobriety and it was just a small hiccup friend!!!
I remember reading once that eating insects would be more efficient than eating beef or meat from larger animals. We can harvest from large animals about 60 to 70 percent of their mass as protein .... if we did the same for insects, over 90 percent of their mass would be protein.
It wasn't terrible but I wouldn't order it again. If I'm going to eat bugs I'd rather they be ground up and packed together. Or that they're big enough that the meat can be removed from the shell like a shrimp. I'd try the tofu-mealworm burger.
So fun fact about that: land insects actually trigger the same allergies as shellfish due to the fact that they're closely related
Some of them also apparently function similarly in the kitchen, since some people who've had tarantula said that it's a lot like softshell crab