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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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  • I can tell you I dont like granum void as i mindlessly grinded it for like 8 hours to get 2 sets of protea and all the weapon parts, not counting the jackal kills for BP.

    Just started Railjack for the first time because i needed titanium, looks super cool and fun, i just wish there was a better tutorial as its gating me from a quest and some content.

  • Forma BP vs Exilus Warframe Adapter BP, invasion in Laomedeia, Neptune
  • Well i stopped making them because they cost 2 forma, and 2 forma cost roughly 30 plat and the adapter costs 20 so unless you are swimming in forma its not worth. And if you spend 50k rep in cephalon, there are mods in there that sell for like 40 plat for 75k rep, so its just not efficient all around especially since you only need to craft roughly 50 of them ever.

  • Suggested subsumed ability to singerize with my Gauss build?
  • Eclipse and hope you get damage boost on boss and not dodge chance, it doesnt share like roar butthe damage boost is 4x.

    Then again if you are willing to drop a mod for an augment, you could run Oberon subsume and get like 250% radiation damage which IIRC is archons biggest weakness.

  • Is Duviri supposed to be able to be selectable for extractors?
  • I got an message in my inbox giving me steel essence and some other stuff for apprently clearing zariman, but i still havent, i assume that is for the duviri.

    That said im curious what the extractor will come back with in 7 hours.

  • Is Duviri supposed to be able to be selectable for extractors?

    Title, on the mobile app you can now select duviri, but it doesnt list the resource you will gain.


    Does Zariman have a higher spawn rate of rare containers?

    Title. Started Zariman a few weeks ago and had never seen rare containers, but now ive seen like 3-4. Is it because the kiddo guides you to something rare? or is it because you search more of the map in the first place? or is it simply more common?

    [DUVIRI PARADOX SPOILERS] So if Duviri is just a fairy tale made real...
  • Pretty much, more specifically strong emotions are what creates things. "when you let your anger take over it becomes a dragon" is not just an analogy, that actually happens. Now moving forward maybe that is a tool to fight man in wall etc or why he exists in the first place, some remnant emotion from alberach or whatever his name is.

  • I consider myself an accurate shot

    How do you guys value and sell rivens?
  • Check if the weapon is meta, goto warframe market, price mine 1 plat cheaper than the cheapest if it has garbage rolls.

    If good rolls are present i will price it mid range and drop it 50 plat weekly till it sells.

    To me plat in hand is worth more than some potential higher price down the line.