I base it sorely on my knowledge of the weapon, it's theoretical placing in the current meta, and what stats the Riven has or if it is unrolled.
So, for example, if I get a Veldt Riven, I'll be happy to sell it for 10 if at all, but if I get a Kuva Bramma Riven, even unrolled can go for a few hundred.
As for stats, a lot of people are idiots who just flock to the CC, CD, MS stats regardless of the weapons Riven Disposition and will pay or demand massive amounts of Platinum for them but will instead completely misjudge a value of a good QoL Riven on a low Dispo weapon. They also don't understand the impact of some of the negative stats. Having -60% magazine size on a bow has absolutely no effect but some people will be convinced this makes the weapon unusable. Likewise, some will claim -Zoom is harmless but then don't realize it's for a Incarnon weapon that needs headshots so this makes it harder to aim with.