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Just a simple man trying to make his way in the Universe

2 yr. ago
  • I've actually found it to br far better than reddit, mostly because 99% of reddit posts these days are bot reposts of an jmage that's been cycled a LOT

  • btdig dot org is pretty decent.

  • Similar to Formula E Gen 1 I reakon

  • A Mod on the F1 sub was saying that Reddit Admins are threatening any subs that are closed by saying that any mods who are opposed to re-opening subs will be demoted with them being replaced with mods who are willing to co-operate.

  • My guess for those 3 drivers would be Max, KMag and maybe Stroll? I can't think of who else the 3rd driver could be but funnily enough, Stroll has been one of the best at wheel to wheel racing this year.