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After “Barbie,” Mattel Is Raiding Its Entire Toybox
  • Skeletor is here to say some insightful meme crap He-Man! Be back in one hour!

  • DoorDash, UberEats, and Grubhub sue New York City over a new $18 an hour minimum wage for delivery driver
  • This is really just Gig economy companies exploiting a "you're just a contractor and not an actual employee despite the fact that we rely upon you to exist, and you have no legal representation" labor loophole. They want to get back to ye olden days of the 1920s before we had federal labor laws that stopped companies from pulling this crap.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • "That means that it's good to be big, because you can spread those fixed costs over many, many users. One programmer writing software used by five hundred million users can make a lot more money than software used by five users. So the typical model is to take in a lot of investor money, operate at a loss, and lose money while offering a very compelling service to grow the userbase as quickly as possible.
    Once you're big enough, you can spread your costs around many users, so it's easier to make money. You switch from growing your userbase to making money from it. Because you aren't trying as hard as possible to draw in new users, the service is probably gonna get worse from a user standpoint."

    This kind of reminds me of how Legos are made. Creating the plastic molds from a molding machine to make a single Lego is extremely expensive, but if you make millions of Legos in mass production it reduces costs to make them dramatically to a point where the Lego Group has basically no operating costs to make them anymore. That turns Legos into an investor's dream.

  • First release of my Hive Theme for Beehaw!
  • I think that Hive Dark looks incredible, great job!

  • Square Enix staff have been asking the Final Fantasy head for a Final Fantasy 6 remake | VGC

    But Yoshinori Kitase says it would be difficult, and he's not thinking about it until 7 is done…

    Square Enix staff have been asking the Final Fantasy head for a Final Fantasy 6 remake | VGC