SirHenry @
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Comments 8
Anon is metal as fuck SirHenry 14 1
I think because your body i still developing and can adpt to the changes way better.
Oh tell me again how it loads faster and takes up less resources SirHenry 1 0
Lol the webcam thing hanned to me too.
For edge lovers SirHenry 3 0
Well a circle has the best ratio for your liking i think. But maybe ask your local magician for some un edged Brownies ;).
A retro problem SirHenry 1 0
'just' lol. Nerver mind that you have to reach that fucker.
What if the problem with cars was not their method of propulsion? Epthinktank | European Parliament SirHenry 3 1
Yeah where did you get these energy numbers for the train? But you can use regenerative energy surces and since train wheels are mostly made of metal there is almost no microplastic produced.
I dont think you can kill as many people with bikes than you can with a car.
All in all some weak ass counter arguments.
Finland detects more GPS jammers as drivers increasingly try to hide their tracks | Yle News | Yle SirHenry 4 0
Yes ,but it could also be that there are multiple gps antenna in your new car.😬