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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 4
Comments 45
google is not and never was your friend, it is a dictator tool: Degoogle
  • No, not entirely. Posteo uses at least strong TLS (transport route encryption), meaning the message can hardly be intercepted between your (posteo) mailserver and the recipient mailserver. Everything else is unencrypted: the emails rest unencrypted on the posteo server (unless you activate crypt sorage, easy to do) and on the recipient server (e.g. Gmail). The latter will analyse your emails even if you never consented. All this can be stopped using Posteo, though. They provide a lot of tools help on this on their homepage. Look for PGP and inbound encryption.

  • Boycott USA Flyer
  • My response to you and the OP is simple: you don't counter faschist stupidity with stupidity, but with nuance. That's the difference between them and us, not where you produce or buy.

  • Boycott USA Flyer

    What a BS honestly, I am fully anti Trump but this does not help at all. Why? Some examples:

    1. You think supporting European faschist enablers (e.g. Red Bull) is better than [insert random US company here] is just silly.
    2. Do your homework: Capri Sun is German, not American, gosh.
    3. Blueeky is NOT non-profit, stop spreading misinfirmation
  • ÖRR Shitshow - bitte helft mir es zu verstehen

    Noch bis Ende Corona war die AfD noch pfui und wurde fast nicht in den deutschen ÖRR eingeladen. Nicht ausgesprochene Programmpolitik war: mit Rechtsradikalen spricht man nicht. Zeitsprung. 2025 sitzt in fast jeder wichtigen Polittalkshow eine*r von denen und wenn nicht, werden trotzdem AfD Themen diskutiert. Die allgemeine Diskursverschiebung nach (radikal) rechts in den letzten Jahren hat glaub ich jeder mitgekriegt. Neuster journalistischer Tiefpunkt: Die Tagesschau nennt im verlinkten Artikel die Heritage Foundation (Hauptautorin von Project 2025) ohne Scham als seriöse Quelle dafür was in den VS gerade passiert (Kurzzusammenfassung: alle lieben Trump, gehen Sie weiter, es gibt nichts zu sehen). Ich hab das Gefühl grob was verpasst zu haben. Wer kann mir erklären was in den letzten 3 Jahren hinter den Kulissen beim ÖRR/Das Erste passiert ist??

    google is not and never was your friend, it is a dictator tool: Degoogle
  • OsmAnd is a nightmare in terms of user experience! I dropped it 8 years ago because it was a horror. I gave it a try again last month because, you know, maybe people have done something about the useless navigation, the totally overpacked UI, the sluggish behaviour etc. Guess what? It's the same terrible (!) app it was 8 years ago!

    FCK Google, but if that's all that there is as an alternative, well...

    I use Magic Earth. It's not Open Source afaik but they claim they dont collect data (...🤔). I don't believe this so use these apps as little as possible.

    Greetings, an open source enthousiast

  • Proton is dead (for me). Let's collect and discuss alternatives! ✊🛡

    In an unexpected mask off "secure" email and VPN provider Proton took the stance of siding with the fascist MAGA Reps. Proton's services are no option for me and many others any longer. Let's collect and discuss alternatives (E2E encrypted email and VPN) here 🔐👇

    Always try to provide:

    -Server location (jurisdiction)



    -User experience/ease of use (grade 1 to 10, lets take Proton as a benchmark with an 8)

    -Pricing and links

    If you know alternative setups, feel free to share, too.





    Proton CEO embraces Trump for "standing up for the little guys"

    Unnecessary and deeply concerning bow to the new "king"

    Update: position got backed up by an official Proton post on Mastodon, it's an official Proton statement now.

    Update 2, plot-twist: they removed this response from Mastodon - seems they realize it exploded into their face!


    Running local LLMs for privacy as an alternative to ChatGPT, MS Copilot etc.?

    What are your thoughts on #privacy and #itsecurity regarding the #LocalLLMs you use? They seem to be an alternative to ChatGPT, MS Copilot etc. which basically are creepy privacy black boxes. How can you be sure that local LLMs do not A) "phone home" or B) create a profile on you, C) that their analysis is restricted to the scope of your terminal? As far as I can see #ollama and #lmstudio do not provide privacy statements.
