Let me tell you a story... I sold off all my Bitcoin and put it all into GME stock right when it was starting to go up... Because why not right? It wasn't much like it was worth 1000 bucks or something... Because everyone said the bitcoin bubble was going to pop or something... And then Bitcoin went from 30k to 60k in like two months... And now it's closer to 100k
Long story short I make bad choices and no fuckin way I'm selling my GME for a loss just for it to double or triple again in two months
Not since Ryan Cohen gave the shorts everything they wanted with the stock sale last year and had absolutely nothing to show for it like a new product or acquisition. Ryan Cohen betrayed his core investors and did something that was supposed to be impossible. He turned a MACD Golden cross into a death cross with a stock sale. Impossible because it would take considerable timing, and back door dealing that is still illegal, in order for it to happen. GameStop dead. Ryan selling assets cuz the ship ain't righted, and he ain't got a better plan. Shrink the business and rip off the small guys that invested.
Frankly I think every stock-oriented subreddit is a controlled operation meant to pull value from the subscribers only. I doubt almost any thread on those subs are people authentically sharing their perspectives.
At the rate these chains are telling me to fuck off with my business and ignore them I'm gonna end up with nothing but farmer markets and crafts shows to shop at...
It's not even a weird twist it's just people who understand how capitalism actually functions and realize that investing in their workers means their workers have more disposable time and income to spend buying shit at Costco.
It's wild to me that we've had to go from advocating for leftism/unions to "if we are gonna do capitalism shouldn't we at least do it in a way that won't break literally everything?"
Costco is simply a traditional capitalist business that doesn't want to see the economy completely implode for everyone but the rich. They are simply promoting capitalist economic fundamentals that made the US an economic powerhouse in the world and built a wealthy "middle class."
Treating your workers well is also an attempt to prevent unionization. Only about 8% of Costco employees are represented by a union.
That too, though I haven't had reason to go there just yet. Curious to see some stats over the year to see if there's a notable bump for them due to standing against the trend to kill DEI.
Time to double-down on making ironic kitsch that say violent things but in a cute, folksy way. Like a pretty sign with script letters and flowers adorning the edges, saying Deny, Defend, Depose instead of Live, Laugh, Love.
Wait, their business model of giving you $3 for a game they'll charge $50 for isn't working? The business model that I have to go drive and interact with someone and hope the game is in stock? Who would have thought?
Recall that the first quarter after the whole WSB thing, they had something like 2 billion in cash from that whole thing.
A year later, they had 1 billion.
Half a year later, 500 million.
All of a sudden this quarter, after shutting down stores all over the place and gutting their staff, they're claiming 4 billion cash on hand, helped out by unproven social media claims growing their stock price 30%.
doubt. Their business model relies on physical games being sold multiple times, once when new, and then multiple times as used copies. This is why they're focusing on retro consoles. New consoles have passable online marketplaces, so Gamestop cannot compete, and are completely inferior to PC gaming, which hasn't needed Gamestop in 20 years.
Even if it's not worth it to you personally, it's still a good deed to sell stock in a company when their CEO does something like this. Every sell sends a small message.
Anyone who didn't sell after the idiocy of the NFT market is a fuckin bagholder through and through.
An NFT market was stupid to begin with, because it's trying to use endless amounts of CPU cycles to enforce an "ownership" system that is genuinely unneeded and only serves to benefit Capital and Capitalists.
Hell yeah let's burn down the planet for fuckin skins in video games! /s
Later, they would shut down the same market, after barely over a year and a half.
This was and is a company with no concrete plans for the future that was spinning its wheels since its core business was failing and continues to fail.
Akchually, NFTs don't even burn CPU cycles to enforce ownership. At best it's all created and sold by a central party, and at worst the whole thing runs on his laptop.
Hell yeah let's burn down the planet for fuckin skins in video games! /s
It's an apt comparison but NFTs are sooo much worse than skins. At least there's an opportunity to "enjoy" skins as well as show them off during an activity you're doing anyway.
With an NFT it's just "look at this picture I own!" and nothing else
Can't cancel what I never did. GameStop routinely has terrible prices, poor selection (in my area), and mediocre service. I buy most of my used games from eBay, and most of my new games from Target (when on sale). Screw GameStop...
I don't really know much about French politics, but surely there is something similar that right wing reactionaries can get upset about there.
For example a Dutch friend of mine who has been radicalized by Joe Rogan, Twitter, and Facebook tells me that you can't say anything bad about Islam in Holland, as he sends me link after link with fascist anti-Muslim propaganda. (Like... you can't say things that the "news" that you just sent me is literally saying?)
The reality is that the physical side of GameStop's business has been in steady decline for a while. In 2019, GameStop closed around 200 stores in an attempt to "reboot" the company. GameStop's fortunes briefly rose due to its 2021 stock surge, but shares quickly plummeted following that initial spike.
They're probably just not making a profit anymore in those regions, so they're closing up shop, and the CEO took the opportunity to go on a largely unrelated rant.
I was entirely checked out on gme until a few weeks ago, when I remembered it and decided to drop the bag. Turns out I pretty much broke even. Glad to see I was making the right move