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Finished Monero-chan on - Great Work Everyone <3
  • so Bulgaria is now officially a part of monero!?

  • Shitpost

    Me: \learned some buzzwords and now trying to explain the cryptography behind monero to strangers\

    What is publicly viewable and to who on lemmy?
  • Sorry for noob question, but: With "Upvotes, downvotes, ... are available to the general public." we're just talking about the amounts!? Or is it also possible to see who up-/downvoted?

  • What's missing in the Monero Universe?

    What do you think is currently missing (and not already being worked on) in Monero? Either a feature the official (or most) wallets should add, a website for particular information or services, a standalone application, local communities, or whatever you can think of.

    I've recently seen some cool ideas, which were picked up pretty fast by the community, so I'm interested for your opinions.
