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Trump refuses to say if he wants Ukraine to win the war
  • That would be after the low hanging fruit of Moldova. Neighbors Ukraine, Constitutionally neutral, does not admit stationing foreign military troops on its territory, can only be altered by referendum, and not at all during a state of national emergency, martial law or war.

  • Where in this city can I get a tuna salad sandwich?
  • Odd. I wondered why friends from Chicago always order tuna salad whenever they visit.

  • Mousetrap, a new GUI engine for Julia. GitHub - Clemapfel/Mousetrap.jl: Finally, a GUI Engine made for Julia

    Finally, a GUI Engine made for Julia. Contribute to Clemapfel/Mousetrap.jl development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - Clemapfel/Mousetrap.jl: Finally, a GUI Engine made for Julia

    Initial commit was June 11. Documentation is here.

    the hacker's dictionary
  • Recommend also the seminal TMRC dictionary for several terms absent here, plus some memorably elegant definitions:

    Kludge: A crock that works.
    Crock: A kludge that doesn't work.

    Same again true of Peter Samson's original 1959 and 1960 editions.