Where in this city can I get a tuna salad sandwich?
The last FIVE times I've ordered a tuna salad sandwich at a diner, it's been just tuna, not tuna salad. This is very upsetting, and for the sake of preveserving my marriage I'm not able to just make tuna salad at home. Does anyone know where I can get one?
I'm a little horrified by this one. Either you don't know how to use a web search, or I don't know what tuna salad is. Both are worrisome, but more so that you aren't allowed to make it at home. In that case, your partner is controlling or pregnant.
She grew up on the coasts, and has strong opinions about how fish should be prepared; ones that don't align with my Midwestern upbringing.
The problem is, a lot of places are saying they serve a tuna salad sandwich, but the sandwich is just tuna, not tuna salad. Searching menus online won't cut it. Hence soliciting personally recommendations.