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RedSeries RedSeries (She/Her)

🏳️‍⚧️ I am whole. You cannot redefine who I am.

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Comments 49
It is my birthday so enjoy this list of albums I like I mean Rule
  • Flood was such a formative album growing up. Great selection!

  • I miss them so much.
  • I fucking love eggs.

  • Bandle #923 2025-02-25
  • Bandle #923 4/6
    Found: 699/764 (91.5%)
    Current Daily Streak: 55 (max 55)
    #Bandle #Heardle

    Really needed all of those synths. Not usually my genre.

  • Wordle 1,347 February 25, 2025
  • Wordle 1,347 3/6

    Happy with this one. I use ADIEU to start usually and it was a struggle to think of what words might fit.

  • Wordle 1.346 - Monday 2025-02-24
  • Wordle 1,346 3/6
  • Bandle #922 2025-02-24
  • Bandle #922 1/6
    Found: 698/763 (91.5%)
    Current Daily Streak: 54 (max 54)
    #Bandle #Heardle
  • Why did people think it was bad that I identified as male online so I could be gay?
  • Okay, to bluntly answer your original question then:

    People are upset because you lied.

  • Why did people think it was bad that I identified as male online so I could be gay?
  • I’m comfortable being a woman with my lady parts. I also like to pretend. I told people I was male (transmasc, specifically) so that I could freely experience attraction to just men without having the “straight” label.

    This is the part people will likely get upset about. I'm not pretending when I say I'm a woman. I am trans. Trans folks have been begging for people to respect their identity. It has nothing to do with sexuality, I did not transition in order to be seen as a lesbian woman or as a straight man. I did it to be seen as a woman. The other labels are added on after.

    The way you've worded this, it seems like you've taken the trans masc identity and the trust that's been garnered around trans identities and abused it. Your feelings about this are valid, but I really feel you should approach this differently.

    If you are feeling uncertain about your gender, then explore that and determine if you truly feel that way. Maybe you are trans masc? Maybe not? If you find yourself struggling with your gender but not rejecting your assigned gender at birth, maybe explore what it means to be genderfluid or nonbinary?

    If you feel this is strictly a discomfort with your sexuality labels and perception of them, please find some other ways to convey it that does not involve abusing gender labels.

  • Trump receives widespread backlash to social post calling himself ‘king’
  • If that "widespread backlash" isn't a call for his head and subsequent dragging out into the street, I don't think it matters anymore.

  • Why do people from Western societies always seem to complain?
  • Because you're mostly JAQing off and dismissing the answers you get.

  • Erasure
  • Also, you did it! Kudos.

  • Erasure
  • That it doesn't matter. These are just comments after all.

  • Erasure
  • Prove it, delete your comment.

  • Erasure
  • Try to avoid writing any songs or singing, I fear you may be tone deaf.

  • Gold Tesla Cybertruck owner in Massachusetts says he's been threatened and harassed.
  • This feels like such a thin reason to get a ticket if you ask me. A rude gesture is just a rude gesture. But... be careful out there! I feel safe enough to flip them off, but I encourage safer forms of heckling them, like pointing and laughing.

  • Gold Tesla Cybertruck owner in Massachusetts says he's been threatened and harassed.
  • "It's not just about what happened to me. It's about everyone in this country. If you disagree, don't retaliate. Don't be violent. Don't try to hurt your neighbor. We're all human,"

    I mean, if you believe that, my guy, you shouldn't have bought the nazi truck. You also definitely should not have gotten a fucking gold one. You also ABSOLUTELY shouldn't have driven it around in MASSACHUSETTS. I flip these fucks off when I see them here. I don't agree with physically threatening them, but c'est la vie I guess.

  • Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit
  • Since calling you what you are is not allowed:

    In contrast, the previous administration has shown a lack of morals, ethics, and compassion for humanity.

    I cannot see how you can look at this current administration and think that this is better in any way.

  • Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit
  • Collapse of the country and purging of illegals and minorities is the same thing as school vouchers to you?

  • Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit
  • Can't win on your single issue? Then vote to make everything worse, including the issue that you use as a cudgel to disguise your authoritarian power fantasy!

    As a trans person, and I mean this to my core, go fuck yourself. Gaza will be a parking lot now because of tankies like you. It's impossible to put pressure on our government to help Palestine if we're busy trying to keep our own country afloat and stop new genocides and horrors within our own borders. Shame there was no "perfect option", or whatever bullshit you're peddling.