They've been trying for years to implement this at a large price to the users. They always try to hide under the guise of security.
I eeeee'd way too loudly at the reveal paragraph. That's so sweet.
So many questions. But mainly, why is the person dancing while peeing? Is that why they missed? 😂
I guess people don't like pickles near me. Options are limited to a few brands. Of the 3 super markets in my area. One only has dill and a pickle type I don't like (glass hard and plastic containers). The second store has a good brand but they are typically old or dirty (glass jars). While the third store has these half sour and full only in plastic containers. My jam is half sour 😋
Though (I think) from HRT my tastes recently changed a lot, so I might have to try some of the other brands again.
FYI going to old reddit will bypass these blocks. To me that's fine anyway as I find 'new' reddit looks like hot garbage so I replace 'www' with 'old'. As long as old is still active, I'll always set my redirectors to it.