First time I've seen this sitting behind my shitty VPN. If the frontpage /r/normaldayinrussia posts didn't make you raise an eyebrow knowing their denying access to people for running a VPN should at least make you second guess.
Same, it's crazy how easy it was to replace. I honestly am surprised it was that easy. Figured it would of been harder. I went back once, for a small community that isn't here. I made one post to ask a question about something and saw all the bullshit that Reddit is doing now. I deleted my account immediately after creating that post and was done. I was on Reddit since 2011. It's dead and gone.
Yup. I had several million karma spread across my various accounts. Nuked all of them, created a single throwaway, and only use that for browsing when random tech issues inevitably point me towards an 8 month old Reddit post.
I don’t miss Reddit. If anything, I have more free time these days. AlienBlue/Apollo used to take up a significant portion of my day.
But they forcefully redirect images to now, and you need to manually wget images if you want the biggest version, logged-in, VPN, or not.
The enshittification will continue until morale improves.
It gets steadily worse and will continue to get worse. But slowly enough that the critical mass of dumb-dumbs probably won't ever leave. Fortunately it's no longer our problem.
One, we did:-D; and two, you can lead a horse to water but... you cannot make selfish & lazy people think.:-(
Only when it affects them personally will they begin to care, and even there they will merely whine and act all shocked - shocked I tell you! SHOCKED!!! - rather than attempt to do anything about it. Huffman was right: the protests were doomed to fail, in the sense that advertisers still pay money to the site.
Their IPO was postponed due to the fallout from their PR and community failure. Splez is surely disappointed that this delayed his dream of living on an island with slaves.
Except that we (societally) have decided that all of our industries must rely on advertising dollars in order to survive, especially "news" media. I do not like advertising either, but it serves a role, and unless we are willing to pony up to change the system that is just how it is.
FYI going to old reddit will bypass these blocks. To me that's fine anyway as I find 'new' reddit looks like hot garbage so I replace 'www' with 'old'. As long as old is still active, I'll always set my redirectors to it.
Does anyone know the background of this? I also experienced this, apparently due to my VPN. But I don't understand how or why-- It doesn't look like they mention that VPN use is against policy, and tbh I'm not really sure how they know I'm on a VPN anyway?
They basically want to avoid people creating accounts from behind VPN addresses that can't be adequately policed for stuff like ban evasion.
They want your legit address so they can just ban your account and if needed your IP without having to hassle some VPN worker through whatever specific policy they have on cooperating with rule enforcement
They match your VPN IP to a list of known VPN IP ranges and block it based on that. Theoretically if you connected through, say, a university network via VPN it probably wouldn't.
While I'm 100% here for the shitting on reddit, I think it's probably also an attempt to manage the karmafarming bots and onlyfan bots and . . . y'know, all the other bots. Because if you've re-worked the fake internet point system to be remunerated for actual cash you can't afford to pay bots. So - money is why. Also making bad corporate decisions is very on-brand.
Also, fwiw, Tumblr's kind of neat. A mix of the "reddit" and "tweet" thing with some interesting posts. They're corporate but havent' screwed it up so horribly yet that everyone fled in horror.
I imagine the idea of it is trying to prevent scraping of the content. It seems like it started a couple months after the 3rd party app debacle. By blocking IPs associated with cloud providers they hope to make it harder to scrape their content like openai did when training chatgpt.
Oddly I have noticed, albeit anecdotally, more mainstream people using Reddit as enshittification has increased. This whole experience in the past year has taught me that people are less understandable than I ever imagined...
I get these pages from time to time here in Thailand on Google. I always think it's because of some nerfarious people here, but this makes me suspicious it's just a bunch of Americans using vpns.
I stopped going to reddit as well as wrote an investor to grab my path of exile news and haven’t looked back since - this would rile me up certainly otherwise
Probably depends of if your IP is classified as a residential or a cloud or data center IP address.
Some VPNs do some shady shit to run on a VPN on a residential connection without the knowledge of residents. Of course, it's also possible that their network policies leave out some VPN's IP addresses unintentionally.
I've been getting this screen for weeks too, on what is generally considered a top quality VPN with a privacy focus.
I guess if they don't want me there, it's whatever. I also have leechblock configured so I have to override that every time I visit the domain. It's a shame that makes Google and most other search engines worse than useless for anything that wont generate revenue for someone. I want the spirit of the early 2000's internet with gigabit speeds. Is that too much to ask?
I get that on vpn, I just choose between the option of not following the link that I've been given, or alternatively, changing vpn locations which costs me literally fractions of a second.
I imagine this is some attempt to stop bots but my I can only imagine genuine users get mad while bots just change location again just like I do.
Kind of like drm, the only ones affected are those who are legitimate buyers.
Of course my opinion is based on nothing but assumptions since I dare not bother spending time there.
When does this come up? I've just tested Reddit with VPN, and even through Tor and I'm not getting this. That's not to condone Reddit, I'm just interested.
I'm going to not believe you given the circumstances. I tried every 15 mins for at least 6 hours and I've also been using reddit for a fair amount of time to never experience it.
Welcome. I think you will find lemmy is a sufficient substitute. Not as fast pace as reddit but it turns out to be a good thing. You also don't have to worry so much about comments falling into the abyss. With comment counts topping out at around 500 you can respond to the main post and still get engagement.
That will probably change as lemmy grows but for now it's nice. Overall it's reddit but a different speed.
So far it does feel like a re-imagining of traditional internet forum of the early 00s, but Reddit inspired. I actually had no idea about the whole "Fediverse" thing until today, but so far it seems really promising that there isn't any one central agency in control of the platform. Maybe that's a misunderstanding though.
Am I correct in thinking that Fediverse operates somewhat like the internet? Is it just a collection of end-points sharing data through a single protocol and if one shuts down, the rest aren't affected? Or is there a host that is technically in control of Lemmy as a whole?