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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

reddit was fun

Posts 6
Comments 12
A better Revanced
  • Thank you so much for this suggestion. It's really a great step towards the end of tedious voice messages. Works great but is a bit slow when using the multilang voice model. I don't mind.

  • Nutzt ihr Biomüll Container?
  • Danke für euren input!

    Ich glaube der Knackpunkt ist dass wir nachts die Fenster offen haben und so immer neue Mücken rein kommen wenn es innen lecker Biomüll gibt.. Also vorerst werden wir wohl jeden Abend den Müll runter bringen müssen.

  • Nutzt ihr Biomüll Container?

    Ich finde unseren Haushalt schon ziemlich erwachsen was Biomüll betrifft. Wir haben so Papiertüten in die kommt er rein und die werden relativ regelmäßig weg gebracht, so alle 1-3 Tage,je nachdem wie feucht der Inhalt ist.

    Gerade haben wir wieder eine Mückenplage. Es gibt tausend verschiedene Eimer und Boxen in die man die Tüten einstellen kann, bei uns steht sie frei. Ein geschlossener Container würde doch schimmel provozieren, oder?

    Und ein belüfteter bringt nichts gegen die Mücken?

    Übersehe ich das ultimative Produkt?

    Move Minecraft server
  • Thanks I get what you're saying. I'm thinking more in line of "update hype has died down, everyone goes on vacation - we probably won't play for a few weeks". Either way I'll be able to start it up from my smartphone at anytime so all it takes is a quick chat message to have me start it up :)

  • Move Minecraft server
  • Interesting, thanks. Although the guide says roughly 10$ for t3.medium (2vCPU 4gb RAM) and I'm paying half of that at my current hoster for comparable specs. Still a cool guide!

  • Move Minecraft server
  • Thanks, that's what I assumed. I'm hoping it'll be easy to switch to better specs in the cloud and still affordable, especially if it's easy to spin down the server on demand. We're usually playing "in bursts" of a few weeks..

  • Move Minecraft server

    cross-posted from:

    > I used to host minecraft at a gameserver hosting service where you can easily click to select mods and so on. > > I figured I can host it on a more powerful cloud vserver for cheaper if I can spare the hosting tools. > > Can I just copy all the game files to a new server and run it with the same command, I think Java Software works that way right? It wouldn't care for libraries installed by the os, that correct? > Both servers are Linux based, but the new one would be on ARM architecture - again, should be irrelevant thanks to Java right? > > I'll give it a try, just wanted to see if anyone has tips on what to look out for. > > I figured if I get proper startup and shutdown scripts setup I could even spin down the instance when I know nobody will be playing for a while and save some money. It would cost about 50 cents per month to have a separate persistent storage where the scripts could save to / recover from.. > > Any thoughts would be appreciated! Cheers

    Minecraft Discussion / News puddy

    Move MC server

    I used to host minecraft at a gameserver hosting service where you can easily click to select mods and so on.

    I figured I can host it on a more powerful cloud vserver for cheaper if I can spare the hosting tools.

    Can I just copy all the game files to a new server and run it with the same command, I think Java Software works that way right? It wouldn't care for libraries installed by the os, that correct? Both servers are Linux based, but the new one would be on ARM architecture - again, should be irrelevant thanks to Java right?

    I'll give it a try, just wanted to see if anyone has tips on what to look out for.

    I figured if I get proper startup and shutdown scripts setup I could even spin down the instance when I know nobody will be playing for a while and save some money. It would cost about 50 cents per month to have a separate persistent storage where the scripts could save to / recover from..

    Any thoughts would be appreciated! Cheers

    MPU warum Alkohol
  • Am besten du kannst antworten "ich trinke keinen Alkohol.". Du musst mindestens drei Monate trocken sein, sonst glauben sie dir nicht. Dann erkläre warum du getrunken hast und ganz wichtig - warum diese damaligen Gründe jetzt für dich keine Gründe mehr sind sondern dich vielleicht sogar abschrecken. MPU ist nicht zu unterschätzen, viel Erfolg.

  • Flashlight for 3 yr old
  • Thank you all for your thoughts. I found this one by vartaörmige-Taschenlampe-Handtaschenlicht-Schlüsselanhänger/dp/B00TSXLQ0S/

    Handle glows in the dark and it outputs 19 lumen according to varta. Sounds low, but I'm aware it still requires supervised use. Which is fine I think. Swallowing parts isn't much of an issue, the kid isn't big on that. I'll see if I can find it in a store so I can try how hard the button is to press

  • Flashlight for 3 yr old

    Heya illuminated fellows!

    I'm looking for a flashlight for a 3 year old kid. So it shouldn't look to boring, something colorful is appreciated. But mainly I'm not sure how many lumen are okay or maybe there are some with a fixed diffusor or similar?

    I'm not too sure about what kind of battery I'd prefer, I guess in this case it doesn't matter much.

    Any experiences? Thanks!

    Minecraft Discussion / News puddy

    Easy shulker based update suppression 1.19/1.20

    That's so cool, so if you're still on 1.19 you can use the compact update skipping (tutorial e.g. originally by NicNac I believe) to create the bugged shulker and assuming it survives the update have a super convenient way for update surpression in 1.20.

    You could even move the surpresser around by repeating it, I mean the setup really isn't that big

    Minecraft Discussion / News puddy

    I love my bonemeal farm!

    I've built a bonemeal farm for the first time, in the past I never really missed it or thought it would be worth it. It's actually amazing! I used a moss based design and it was cheap and easy to build. Right after I added a micro crop farm for farming wheat which gave me easy access to the mud bricks - what a cool building block! Afterwards I realized I can set up a quick flower farm for dying all the white wool I have left over. I'll try a tree farm next, let's see if it'll be another must-have farm for me!
