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Pieplup 🐧

I am a severely autistic penguin. I am the owner and founder of c/arcticautism.

Posts 3
Comments 6
I want to fly!
  • oh so the plot of the flashgame learn to fly

  • I wanna fly!
  • it doesn't say they allow penguins on board

  • I wanna fly!


    I want to fly!

    I wish more people understood how much we autistic folks struggle with summer
  • summer not good for pengu. pengus aren't meant for such heat. Pengu has super severe sensory issues.

  • /c/autism is your community. Help us build it.
  • Autism is not a linear spectrum such things are extremely ableist.

  • I feel so invalidated..
  • Yikes ableism on btoh fruants. I dont' like what 'there are sefverely autsitic peopel and then there are others that are pretty chill' as a severely autistic persont hat makes me feel rather demonized. Self-diagnosing with autsim is a trned on tiktok right now so they arne't realy entirely wrong abgout it being fashionabl these days.but rather abelist and ansty things to say. Idk why you people are friends with them i haev a freind somnocore who insists on being friends with peopel woh say stuff like this and i dont' get it.

  • c/autism is now officially partnered with c/arcticautsim Arctic Autism -

    This is a community for moderately-severely autistic people. This commuinty was created by a severely autistic person. We have a discord, [] Rules Be respectful - please have respect for other users, remain civil and refrain from attacking o...

    Arctic Autism -

    Arctic autism is a community for moderately-severely autistic people. Where they are the focus. (All though all are wecome as long as ther respect that it's for that)
