Can baby food have meat?
Also: wtf are you watching?
Can baby food have meat?
First off: Not a pediatrician. Babies do not have a fully developed immune system. As such, a number of "unrefined, natural" foods such as honey can be critical due to the heavy bacterial load (don't worry, honey is perfectly safe for you). Cooked meat should not be an issue, I wouldn't do raw meat tho'. In fact, my first "proper" meal was apparently beef with carrots.
You may be onto something there
Heh. Now I don't think you're going to make a whole lot of friends seizing company assets, but this IS kinda funny.
Thank you, that cleared up the confusion.
Chill out people. It's a guide for when you need to convince someone who is not convinced by your qualifications alone. If they have nothing else to go by (for whatever reason, good or bad), SOME of these questions are a valid option to figure out stuff that isn't on your résumé. If the hiring process is bad or yoz are simply a poor talker (which is okay) reading stuff like this can help you be prepared. In an ideal situation, you want a candidate to start talking on their own. That isn't always possible and sometimes pulling stuff through someone's nose is the best option.
Goodness, no! I meant design philosophy. If I had political issues with it I would say so ...
Sheesh, I was trying to be vague so I wouldn't have to justify my opinion :D I dislike spell slots and level based progression. I also think d20-based is the most boring dice-system, aside maybe from the very basic d100 "roll below your skill" (which is kind-of the same thing, but GMs keep forgetting to adjust the difficulty of the role). That is very much subjective and I understand that most people don't mind. I appreciate the action economy, the very (VERY) well written rules - I am playing Shadowrun right now, and the editing and writing is atrocious - and I'd pick it over D&D any day.
I haven't played D&D 4, but Pathfinder 2e (and its remaster) is a great system, aside from some parts of the philosophy I disagree on which is a minor thing. It is really well written, coherent, streamlined and edited.
Of a second I read "redistribution" there and was very surprised.
I ... uhh ... (what did they say?) Yeah, quitting Starbucks sounds like a good idea!
As a Biologist, this is extra hot
That's what I keep saying: You want to curtail unregulated migration? Fight climate change! It is THE most effective measure possible. It creates jobs, it secures wealth, it decrease push-factors.
Is it transphobic to not be into trans people? But I agree, the cartoon seems a bit ... dusty.
Daily reminder that IGN reviews are worthless. Unlike the game, I daresay.
OP: "No one has predicted the end of the world in a while" Lemmy: "It's the end times, the end times have come!"
This is being paraded up and down through German newspapers right now ... I don't know, it feels like a non-issue that is being give way more drama than it deserves. They did extend the operation of the power plants in the end. All went well and we probably could have done it without. What else do these people want?
So I haven't read the actual bill and I dearly hope they considered this: A law banning the intentional dispersion of chemicals would ban uhm ... well ... everything?