The new girl
The new girl
The new girl
Look babe, the newest boomer comic masquerading as a modern web comic dropped.
2008 archive
Double equals not throwing a syntax error in SQL?
Dude has obviously lost touch with reality
DAE le sex with woman? 😍😍🤤😍
But wen not woma n? 😡😡😤😢
That’s a bit transphobic.
Maybe she's a ghost, and that's why she's not in the database.
That's how I originally interpreted it. I thought the difference in shading was to signify she's a ghost. Unfortunately, I guess that's not the author's intent.
I wish there were more spooky comics though :(
That would be a much better joke.
Is it transphobic to not be into trans people? But I agree, the cartoon seems a bit ... dusty.
No, but that guy on the right has no idea what Randie is “into.” This is a classic example of a transphobic joke.
“You’re not going to like this” means the situation is bad. Not like, incompatible bad, but… gay bad.
As just a general rule? Yes.
Having preference for specific sex characteristics is one thing, but there are trans people who are indistinguishable from cis people. If you're attracted to someone and then pretend you aren't simply based on the fact that they're trans that's transphobic.
It would be like being attracted to someone and then finding out they're part Domican or something and suddenly acting like it's some deal breaker because "I'm not attracted to Dominican people".
You're entitled to that preference, but it's still a racist one.
The only genders are ‘MALE’, ‘FEMALE’, ‘NONBINARY’, null, and ‘NULL’, and ‘NON_BINARY’ and ‘’.
Implemented as "Maleness" with options: TRUE, FALSE, FILENOTFOUND
One of the few cases where this implementation of a boolean is almost a good idea.
If it's not binary what is it, hexadecimal?
I spent two full minutes trying to understand why people were interpreting this comic strip as something related to gender identity.
It’s my fault. I slightly broke one of the community rules that stipulates stories must be complete. I thought this segment of the comic told a complete story on its own, but the lack of context led to this misunderstanding, and I apologize for that.
Indeed, the story continues, and I was hoping that some people would visit the author's website to read the entire arc of this story. To clarify once and for all, and already giving a spoiler, the blonde woman who appears in the story is the CEO of the company, and for that reason she did not appear in the listing of regular employees.
I feel like I'm still missing something. I don't get why that would affect whether or not she said "hi" to him.
Why couldn't a visitor or something say "hi"? Like, what relevance does the SQL query have?
I have no idea what is going on in this