It ends up being complex, but it doesn't start that way.
These games are very long and the mechanics are slowly added in tutorialised fights spread out over the story.
In practice this means the battles are dead simple for the first ten hours of gameplay, you'll be 40 hours into the game and still get tutorials.
This sounds like some silly bug in libinput.
There's nothing in wayland that would care about whether a mouse was connected wirelessly, but libinput may not be detecting it properly when wired. I'd try reporting it, the fix is likely to be trivial.
The Wikipedia entry has a pronunciation guide:
English: [bɑːrsəˈloʊnə]
Catalan: [bəɾsəˈlonə]
The first a is a schwa and the o isn't rounded. Honestly, it looks quite similar to English, to the point where there might be some English dialect that sounds exactly like that.
I've had one of these for a many years, and I really like it, although finding a replacement for the single ML2032 battery was quite a headache the first time it died.
It turns out that a popular mod for these was to disconnect the panels and replace the ML2032 for a regular old non-rechargeable CR2032. The keyboard uses so little power that it lasts several months with a single battery.
It does make you wonder what was the point of the solar panels in the first place. If you replaced them with single use batteries they'd actually last longer than the entire lifespan of the rechargeable battery 😂
Your assumption might be the case for frankenstein, it's a relatively short book.
The parent is most likely talking about books like the count of monte cristo. It goes on for more than a thousand pages, but was originally serialised over a couple years.
Similar things happen to older books. Current day editions of don quixote include don quixote part 2, which was a sequel published a decade after the first.
It isn't so much that fedora is the best distro, just that all the other distros are worse.
Using it is just common sense, not something anybody would feel proud about.
No, it's a dev build and a real wii doesn't have enough memory to run it.
It'd work on a dev kit, if you had one.
English has the peculiarity of having two variants of the same word: "gender" and "genre" with slightly different meanings.
You could lean on it and go with genre. But just changing the word is unlikely to help much, the concept itself is deeply associated with genitalia in English culture, you'd still need to explain it.
Feel free to say it any way you like, it makes no difference:
- 1.58 meters
- 158 centimeters
- 1 meter 58 centimeters
It's all the exact same thing, nobody will bat an eye.
You may want to look into gnome classic, it comes default with gnome.
It's not fancy or even popular, but it was made specifically for people like you.
Regardless of what the website says, waydroid isn't an emulator by any meaningful definition.
It's a container that runs on top of your regular linux kernel (with some very cool desktop integration features), java/kotlin applications run as natively as they'd run on your phone.
I felt the same way about webp when it came out.
In practice it doesn't really matter:
- if you're encoding the file you know how you're doing it.
- if you're receiving the file, you get the pixels you get no matter how it was encoded.
- if you're sending the image through some third party service, they're going to reencode and mangle it anyway so there's no point in worrying.
Also, it turned out that even if it's quite good, lossless webp is rarely seen in the wild because svg is more convenient.
Heif is covered by patents in the mpegla patent pool of which apple is a member. They have a vested interest in it becoming mainstream.
It would depend on whether you think elop was a Microsoft mole al along 😉.
By the time of the Microsoft acquisition, focus had already shifted to Windows phones.