I followed some pretty vocal british right leaning voices who seemed like more or less reasonable folk before they later ended up succumbing to Trump hysteria, and I can assure you they did not blanketly ban right wing users at all.
Of the prominent right-wing voices they did, I'm struggling to remember ones that didn't deserve it at some point for one reason or another.
I remember the Hunter Biden scandal being a hot mess to navigate not least of all because its biggest voices were some of the guiltiest of major misinformation, which made it hard for most reasonable folks to take seriously including the social media companies with Zuckerberg for FB coming out and saying they were limiting it till it could be verified by a third party.
In fact looking again why are they even having to ask them questions? Most of these seem like things that should be on the listing anyway.
How tf is asking what hours I'll be working, if not listed in the application, not important? Can't work if I don't know when I'll actually be working.
Yeah; he's already become evangelised to an absolutely insane degree globally that the ruling class didn't see coming, making any rash moves, especially any that would martydom him, would backfire.
The world is always better than it was before a genuinely evil person passes, just a crying shame her putrid legacy didn't kick the bucket with her.
Could it not be seen as a deliberate deceit to avoid adequate compensation as per any sponsorship agreement though? Such practice can't be legal surely?
Even if they tried to weasel it into the terms of a sponsorship agreement one would assume it would be considered null as it goes against the very purpose of the contract?
Feel like Legal Eagle wouldn't waste their time and resources on a class action if they didn't have strong enough grounds for a fight? (And would instead make a video explaining why it would be pointless to do so)
What a wanker.
"I even adopted one of their children for a time!"
Father Time does not offer refunds sadly...
Started to believe the bullshit himself basically... a spectacular fall from public grace.
Well tye comment section in this thread is a trip; reality has encountered a duplication error.
Yee; gonna have to go for the heart me thinks.
I thought the same for a moment too lol and lacking any contextual lore I tend to default to 10=1 years conversion to get a rough idea of how old they're probably considered by society so... basically an 18 years old dating a 15 years old... yeah... come back to that one in a few decades time bruv when yer lives are more in sync and you're both matured.
"Uhh; is everyone forgetting a pretty significant decade in the middle of the 20th century where a man with a funny mustache rose to power and their aggression and genocidal tendencies had everyone going at it for like 5 years?"
Bikini is one thing... the lack of any sort of gap for her thighs makes it look like her Arse is on her front.
Man cretin on another level
What absolute poison that some People come to this conclusion that, the ultimate freedom in an advanced 1st world economy, makes your life devoid of meaning and purpose when it actually gives you greater freedom to pursue the truly meaningful things in life like friends, family and your own self-fulfilment.
Unloads an unfathomable amount into her womb to the point it's leaking out before they even pull out
Doesn't even pull out; resumes very shortly after and somehow produces more than before and drenches them for good measure
Hentai biology: where dehydration doesn't exist and the refractory period is always hitting snoozes on it's alarm.
LMAO, LOL, ROFL, PMSL and any other Internet shorthand one can think of to succinctly describe the pathetic hilarity of this stale wotsits unearned ego.