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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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What Helped—and What Didn’t Help—My Recovery
  • The article was written by a person who says "I have spent several years of my life in various psychiatric institutions". So it is a person with experience of this system, and what helped them. I don't see at all how they can be seen as fear mongering. They seem to be giving their honest account of their experiences as a patient in the mental health system.

    As for reality and data, there is a lot of reality and data showing that psych drugs are not perfect. There is evidence that antipsychotics cause movement disorders (restlessness, involuntary movements), metabolic effects (changing blood sugar levels), effects on heart function, weight gain, etc. And there is evidence of negative effects from antidepressants too, like sexual dysfunction, and a small increase in the risk of birth defects, just as an example:

    There is evidence that taking SSRIs early in pregnancy slightly increases the risk of your baby developing heart defects, spina bifida or cleft lip.

    I support patient choice. If a person wants to take psych meds, okay. But I think they should be informed by reputable authorities (CDC in the US, national health organisations in other countries, including regulatory bodies of psychiatry) about the positives and negatives of these drugs. That is the only way to make an informed choice.

    Ultimately I hope for non-drug approaches to mental issues. Approaches that recognise the real issues in people's lives that cause them distress, rather than approaches that label the patient as "ill" and dismiss them with a powerful and sometimes unpleasant drug.

  • What Helped—and What Didn’t Help—My Recovery What Helped—and What Didn't Help—My Recovery

    In order to recover, it was necessary to give up the psychiatric treatment system, and the idea that I need something from that system.

    What Helped—and What Didn't Help—My Recovery

    I found this article interesting.

    The website is known for its critical view of psychiatry, which I think is good. Any field with as much power as psychiatry (being allowed to lock people up and drug them) should be approached from a critical perspective.

    Psychiatrists would argue that their methods are well-intentioned, but are their methods helpful? The author of the article thinks some of the methods are not helpful.


    The world in 2024

    Obviously I don't want to diminish the suffering of Ukraine in any way at all. Ukraine has it much worse in many ways. But there are still people suffering in every country.

    Psychiatry Won’t Solve Our Mental Health Crisis — Only Politics Can Do That
  • Politicians want to improve our worsening mental health with big psychiatric initiatives. The problem with this model, says historian of neuroscience Danielle Carr, is that it ignores the social and structural forces causing widespread mental suffering.

    I actually think this is true for everybody diagnosed with a "mental illness". Society wants to push you to a psychiatrist as an easy fix. But in reality, there are social and emotional pressures that have caused the patient to become distressed. It could be bullying, or financial worries, or the loss of a relative, or other big worries. Psychiatry invents "diagnoses" so that the true social and environmental pressures get swept under the rug. Because they don't care about you, they just believe that you might turn dangerous (even if you have no history of doing anything wrong), so they'll drug you to reduce what they think is a risk.

    Edit: Thinking about it more, maybe we should get rid of the biopsychosocial model that doctors love to talk about. Just have a psychosocial model instead (getting rid of the bio bit, where they drug the patient). Because nearly all of the time, they never prove any biological fault with the patient's brain. And yet they're still happy to drug the patient.

  • Don't be that guy.
  • I don’t mean any ill will toward the guy. He’s frustrated and he’s just taking it out in the wrong venue at the wrong people, but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad person.

    But he is a bad person. He's being a fucking idiot and being insulting to the person who made the software for him in the first place.

    People like that don't deserve patience and understanding. Perhaps a good response would be "this software is free for you to use, if you don't like it then fuck off and make your own".

  • How i feel on Lemmy
  • I haven't been on Lemmy in a while and only just saw this reply.

    I don't think I missed the point. You said that Putin can't hurt people, and I'm saying that's untrue. He has ordered the murders of political opponents. He ordered an invasion of Ukraine that has killed many innocent Ukrainians, and is also sending young Russians to their deaths, pointlessly.

    And no, I obviously don't think I'm on the front line. I'm lucky enough to not be in a warzone, but there are people who aren't that lucky, and their lives are in danger due to the selfish barbarity of Putin and his regime.

  • How i feel on Lemmy
  • Is Putin in the room with us right now? Don’t worry, he can’t hurt you.

    This is completely wrong, because of course Putin absolutely does hurt people. He ordered the invasion of Ukraine and the killing of Ukrainians. His forces deliberately target civilians, or massacre them, like in Bucha. His actions have also killed innocent people from other countries, such as those on board flight MH17, who were killed by a Russian missile. He also orders the murders of people he doesn't like, such as Alexander Litvinenko and Alexei Navalny (the latter's murder being unsuccessful, but nevertheless ordered by the Kremlin). And one such assassination attempt, on Sergei Skripal, killed an innocent British woman, Dawn Sturgess. So no, it is clearly untrue to say that Putin can't hurt someone, unfortunately.

  • EU wants over 70s to prove they can still drive every five years
  • I support this. Cognitive function obviously declines as you get older. And elderly people have been lucky enough to live their lives. What if an 80 year old goes out driving, is quite infirm or easily distracted, and kills a 20 year old driver? That 20 year old has the chance to live stolen from them, while the 80 year old already got to live their life.

  • Thoughts on psychiatric medication?

    What are your thoughts on psych drugs, such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilisers, etc?

    Doctors love to prescribe these drugs. But they have very bad side effects, based on what I've read. And they can give you strong withdrawals when you try to come off them. Also, should we really be medicalising emotions and taking drugs to emotionally cope with the world? Maybe we need things like friends, family, social connections, to make the world more enjoyable.

    What do you think?

    Do you believe Lemmy/Mastodon can become mainstream and fully replace their centralized counterparts?
  • I think it would be pretty difficult for Lemmy/Mastodon/Kbin to become bigger than for-profit counterparts. For-profit businesses can raise loads of funding and spend all that money on lots of engineers to refine their platforms.

    But I do think the fediverse is pushing big tech to alter their platforms. E.g. Meta planning to support ActivityPub in Threads.