Any sources to back up your claims? 20% of Israel's citizenry are ethnic Arabs and practicing Muslims. Israel has 100% air superiority over Gaza, if they wanted to ethnically cleanse Gaza or the West Bank, they certainly have the ability to do so. But there is no evidence that they want this. None that I've seen at least.
You know who does want to ethnically cleanse another culture/religion from the world? Hamas. Iran, Hezbollah. The Houthis. ISIS. The Taliban. What do all of these groups have in common, hm? Israel is surrounded by militants who have sworn to eradicate all Jews from the planet. In light of that, I think Israel is showing incredible restraint.
Leftists (in the US, the far-left equivalent of the "alt-right") are the ones currently rioting and protesting across major cities and college campuses across the West. Liberals are overwhelming supportive of Israel. Conservatives are overwhelmingly supportive of Israel. It's the radical extremists who want Israel destroyed.
Any gun safe capable of being opened quickly by an authorized user would be able to be opened just as quickly by an unauthorized user, aka a child.
I agree with your assertion though, that keeping a gun handy in the presence of an adult is distinctly different from keeping a gun unsecured and not in the possession of an adult. Good point.
HRW is a pretty terrible source, just saying. Also, I've been to South Africa, and I've been to the National Apartheid Museum. Israel may not be perfect, but it isn't even close to being apartheid.
Sigh. Israel isn't an apartheid state, not even close. Not like Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Gaza, West Bank, Afghanistan, Egypt, Yemen, Qatar... need I go on? Muslim Israelis have the same rights as Jewish Israelis. Saying otherwise is misinformation at worst, ignorant at best.
Israel isn't apartheid. Anyone saying they are has no clue what apartheid is or means.
The man who would replace Netanyahu, Benny Gantz, considered to be a left-wing Israeli politician, will do the same things that Bibi has been doing... ya know, considering it is a unity government and all. The leftists who think they'll get their way in allowing Hamas to survive by getting rid of Netanyahu really are ignorant.
RIP, there goes home defense.
That's corporate socialism, not communism. As someone who lives in the US, I don't know anyone who would call that communism. #americabad I guess?
You're the kind of person that will never serve on a jury because you believe that if someone is arrested, they must be guilty. Innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt is the American standard.
I'm a "bad actor" for defending both the Constitution and for expressing an opposing viewpoint? lol, ok then.
FWIF, I don't know for sure what the percentage of the US population is that supports Trump, I just know that Trump is leading Biden slightly or is toe-to-toe with Biden in almost every single poll. I also know that according to a Gallup poll a couple of years ago, 36% of polled people say they are conservative and only 25% say they are liberal, with another 37% identifying as moderate. Considering that Trump is the moderate candidate at this point (Biden has moved consistently to the far left during his presidency), I'd say that assuming ~50% of the population supports or at least would vote for Trump based solely on policy isn't the worst reasoning.
I suppose providing sources for my claims is further proof I'm a "bad actor", eh?
Calling ~50% of the population "nutjobs" isn't particularly conducive to productive political discourse. Solely using strawman and ad hominem fallacies just make you look like a partisan hack, not a serious person.
It's totally off-topic, but I stand by what I said in that other thread. If you can show me that there is a correlation that evidences decreased violent crime and increased firearms regulation, please let me know, I'm eager to read it. FTR, I get my crime stats directly from the FBI.
I consider myself to be a classical liberal, someone who believes in the liberal values that allowed our great nation to be founded in the first place. To that end, I have no compunction calling out hypocrisy whenever I see it. Do I think Trump is a good person? Hell no. But between him and Biden, I believe that Trump makes the better president. The US and the entire World were objectively better off based on the stats under Trump than they are under Biden.
The implication is that without US assistance, Israel wouldn't have been able to knock out all these missiles. That is unfounded, especially considering that Israel has one of the most advanced high-altitude SAM systems in the world, the Arrow and the Arrow II missile systems.
The Iron Dome only protects against short-range rockets. Israel's Arrow and Arrow II Endospheric and Exospheric anti-missile defense systems are what most of the missiles that were intercepted by Israel were shot down with.
Being required to disclose tax records could potentially violate a candidate's Fifth Amendment rights. At the very least such a requirement would require a Constitutional amendment.
To be fair, the man is traveling constantly right now. I'd be exhausted if I were almost 80 and flying all the time.
What if Israeli government sites were located inside the homes of Israeli civilians? What if Israeli military sites were located underneath Israeli hospitals? Would that grant Israel immunity against Iran? Because your line of reasoning would be that the only way to prevent war is to put civilians in harms way, as Hamas has done repeatedly.
It's not retaliatory unless Israel has (recently) attacked Iran, which they haven't. It should be considered revenge, not retaliation.
Presumably Israel will respond in force. I'd hate to be living in Tehran right now.
False. A significant number of these Palestinian Arabs are members of the IDF, and there is no second-class citizenship in Israel. The Israeli government also does not prohibit employment based on race, ethnicity, or religious affiliation. Calling Israel "apartheid" is a tankie talking point and is observably and patently false. Do better.
The settler rioters were not terrorists by that definition, because they were not trying to accomplish a political aim, they were angry and lashing out because islamic terrorists from the West Bank kidnapped and killed (?) a 14 year old child.
20% of Israeli citizens are Palestinian Arabs and practicing Muslims. Your comment makes no sense.