Being required to disclose tax records could potentially violate a candidate's Fifth Amendment rights. At the very least such a requirement would require a Constitutional amendment.
I don't think someone whose tax filings are criminally incriminating should be allowed to hold any public office until after they've already been prosecuting and paid their debt to society.
What are the clearances for, you can just show everything to anyone you feel like anyways... Even after you leave office. When everyone finds out about it, apparently half the voters will still say you're a viable candidate to trust our countries well being with
Eh, when filing taxes the IRS wants you to list all income from ill gotten gains as well. So is that a violation of your 5th amendment rights?
Also, I don't think the 5th amendment applies at all, a textual reading shows that it applies in only criminal cases "...nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself..." And a reporting requirement is not a criminal case so far as I know.
Ive known drug dealers who pay taxes and report some type of income to the irs. The two different dudes described it about the same, the irs doesnt care how you get your money, they are not criminal police trying to arrest you, they just want your money and will leave you alone when they get it.
Similar to an emergency room. They aren't going to report you for smoking weed. They just want to know if they need to treat a panic attack or if whatever you're on will react poorly with what they need to give you.
Unlike if you've been subpoenaed to testify in court, you aren't required to run for office. If the prospect of your criminal activity being exposed makes you not run, well, that's just an unintended benefit.