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Guess that's it?
  • Here's a secret, I was never on Reddit to begin with, only a lurker.

  • What weapons do you think have the best chance of getting Incarnon forms in the future?

    DE I believe already stated that there would be more to come, so which weapons see the least use and are likely candidates? While on the topic of weapons as well, what do you think possible infested lich weapons could be? (As in existing infested weapons turned into the infested version of kuva or tenet?)

    What is a Warframe Quote you can Stand For/Agree With?
  • "We all lift together."

    We really all do.

  • RNG like this should be illegal
  • Hey your percentages went up. That's a win in my book.

  • Most interesting and/or funny trading stories?

    I had a very interesting thing happen last night. I was running an arbitration and a fellow in the squad began typing in chat like he was a s car salesman.

    "Like what you see? [Nataruk crita-satisis] only 10k p." "Turn your Nataruk into a lawnmower for a limited time only, going quick!"

    I couldn't help but laugh at the guy, because for one he was on a different console, so I can't buy his riven if I wanted to, and secondly the guy went down three separate times and needed to be revived.

    What are some interesting trade related encounters and chats you guys have experienced?


    What's the most rerolls you guys have on a single riven mod?

    It's fun rolling rivens but some of them are real toughies.


    Are weekly rewards random for everyone? (The filler between t5 and 10)
