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What is the Warframe's community's stance on the Reddit blackout and what are your next steps?

I haven't been to Reddit for a few days, I've also completely deleted my data and my profile from Reddit, and I don't want to return.

Are we here to stay? Are you moving back to the Warframe subreddit? Are we moving elsewhere, like the official forum, for example?

Personally, I like Lemmy although I miss being able to use GIFs and directly upload videos, so I'm happy if we decide to stay here.

  • I don't mind the move, and Lemmy has some nice features, like seeing upvote and downvote count separately. Shedding the downvote bots is also nice. The only thing that stings is losing access to the old Reddit posts there. If Lemmy gonna be the new status quo, the subreddit should be set to read-only instead.

  • I dislike reddit and will not ever be found there.

  • If I can get all the new info like updates, important tweets, patch announcements here then I have no reason to go back to r/warframe, I don't care about 99% of other content there and would prefer a smaller community like this tbh, especially if it stays more positive.

  • This is officially my first comment on any Lemmy server. I'm done with Reddit personally, and I'm just trying to figure this new beast out. First comment of mine had to be in the Warframe community haha

  • It's a complete waste of time. I signed up just to complain about it. I program / integrate API's for a living. There's tonnes of websites that don't have free api access. Reddit isn't obligated to provide any API, and the fact it's taking it away isn't a good enough reason for all these mods to throw their toys out of the cot. Furthermore, it's not the mods that will suffer for their decisions because they still have access to these private subreddits, it's the users - most of whom have nothing to do with third party reddit apps or reddit apis and couldn't care less.

    Users who access reddit through a third party free API app make $0 for reddit. The big one being apollo, which likely would have been costing reddit a shit tonne in server fees and upkeep. So Reddit's decision to change their API makes complete sense... Imagine if someone moved into your house, ate your food, paid no rent and then when you kicked them out people started protesting you for doing so. Whether users don't visit reddit or they visit it through a third party app - the outcome for reddit is the same. $0 - great fuck all. That's why these subreddits going private are going to do jack shit.

    And to those users who think you care because you've been told you should (and because you love a good protest) ask yourself how this REALLY effects you. If you use a third party app, you'll instead have to use a slightly different looking one. And BONUS you'll be supporting the company that has actually made all those subreddits possible. I understand this is going to get downvoted to shit (if it can, idk how this stupid site works) because people THINK they care at the moment. But literally give it 2 weeks, everybody will realize the changes don't mean shit to them personally, and they'll stop giving a fuck.

    My last complaint is just how shortsighted / selfish this is on the part of the people incharge here. Nobody is here for you. Nobody is here for your opinions on how reddit should run it's business. Nobody gives 2 shits about how you feel the community should come together. We care about discussing shit with a large amount of actual war frame players, and then finding that information at a later date. And by doing this protest you're removing both of those conditions, no large amount of players, no archive of knowledge. The next warframe subreddit that gains ANY traction is where 95% of players are going to go and you'll be left here with some opinions that nobody cares about.

    • The main complaints wasn't that the API was going to be paid but how much more it cost to use the API vs other APIs like Imgur's.

      There were devs that had been trying to contact support for +3 months to find out about pricing and Reddit couldn't bother giving them a response notifying them about the new pricing for their API.

      Then there was the AMA about how the new API was going to work where nothing was answered. I think somone even linked to their API "documentation" and it was just it is just a waitlist, even though it is going live at the end of the month.

      *There was also the response about how the reddit app lacks accessability, and it seemed more like they were scrambling to put something together.

      I don't believe I read anything about bots having access to the NSFW part of Reddit, so some automated mod tools aren't going to work there anymore. People will probably notice an increase in onlyfans (or similar type of site) spam bots. Mods of those subs could probably write a bot that scrapes to remove those posts, but I'm pretty sure scraping is against Reddits TOS, and could just get the bot banned.

      Other helpful bots that are community orientation are dead as far as I know, like savevideo/remindme. one reason why new Reddit/app is terrible, especially for anyone dealing with data caps.

      **They also forced r/piracy to be public again, considering that they want to force questionable content like that to be public, they probably aren't going to bother doing a half decent job replacing mods when forcing other subs to go public.