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James R Kirk
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Comments 10
Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives!
  • "removed" is a homophobic slur and "shoop da woop" is a blackface meme and yes it was all very normal 4chan.

  • Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives!
  • /r/conservative is not comprised of real conservative people, it only exists to expose "normie" redditors to MAGA propoganda while giving the MAGA movement the pretense of legitimacy.

  • Come one come all, it's time to unblock ! and bring your best memes of conservatives!
  • "Shoop da woop" was a popular 4chan meme dating to at least 2006. Also the whole "newremoved", "oldremoved" etc thing has been going on since forever.

  • Looking for a VPS. I don't know who to choose.
  • Not bad for free. Appreciate you checking.

  • Take your passkey and shove it where the sun don't shine
  • Uhhh... Can someone ELI18 to me the problem with passkeys? I use them wherever available and find them very convenient.

  • Alternatives to Google Wallet
  • Yeah I'll concede that Satoshi almost certainly had unrealized but aspirational goals for the tech, but speaking personally as far back as I can remember, crypto's primary function was a speculative asset.

  • Looking for a VPS. I don't know who to choose.
  • Ok thanks not bad! How much storage?

  • Alternatives to Google Wallet
  • Eh, cryptocurrency was never supposed to solve any problem, it was a proof of concept that pariah states realized could enable them to avoid US sanctions. The "it's more secure than banks" talking points were conceived after the fact by the grifters.